11 years ago
Keep trying. :)
11 years ago
Hopefully you will get it eventually. :)
A HACKER should see through his DeCeptions ………………………………..
I guess I see through my DeCeptions ………………………………………………..
10 years ago
Instead of copy pasting the answer, type it out correctly with capital and small letters where ever needed.
I have exactly the same problem, and I’ve tried SHIFT / min and I used :
Any idea?
Read this, it could help.
Then you didn’t write the password correctly, because I just tried it and it worked fine for me. Try looking at the ciphertext again and compare it to your password to see where you may have gone wrong.
Well, then, you are doing something wrong. I just tested it and it works perfectly fine.
[quote=xyz123prog]Try looking at the ciphertext again and compare it to your password to see where you may have gone wrong.[/quote]
Maybe, you mistook a letter that’s not capital for a letter that’s capital? It could happen.
Knowledge isn’t given, it’s grown.
I think your decryted password is right but, in the crypted message, you can see that the pass is caPitaL SensiTive, so…
i have find a great program for crypt try this : http://www.cryptoclub.org/tools/cracksub_topframe.php