“hacking flash games” can mainly be in 2 forms
1- changing the score upon submittion to the website
2- changing values while playing the game
for number 1, many addons can be used like “Live HTTP Headers, tamper data” for firefox
for number 2 any memory manipulating program can be used like “cheat engine” on windows and “scanmem” for linux
Programs are there to help, why re-invent the wheel?
[deleted user] 11 years ago
| edited 11 years ago
I may be incorrect, but perhaps some people just like to re-invent the wheel.. I don’t know, I even actually think I’m someone who likes to re-invent the wheel, or at least modify it a bit.
The idea is a wheel isn’t invented by just one person, it took quite a while to get the idea perfect. If you really need to get back to the core without accepting help, chances are you’ll be rolling down a hill in a pentagon-shaped barrel, which I’d personally advise against.
Cryptic, I see your point but I more or less try to make manman aware of the fact a tool isn’t necessarily a less-professional way and it’d save time even if you know to do stuff from scratch.
[deleted user] 11 years ago
I see your point too, TaaRt. :D
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