Any girls in this website??
Why this question? The hacker spirit is in our mind, not in our body :p
@tojik_bacha: For what?
Guys relax. I was just wondering if we have any girl hackers
I heard @Trinity was a girl. :p
Only one? Lets wait if any others show up
I do agree that it is interesting to see the ratio between male and female users. Not many girls are into computers these days.
Based on user profiles the female to male ratio is 1/14 … probably wildly inaccurate.
Woooa every post in this thread is having a +ve karma. Fingers crossed.
@Zoino What’s that flag in your signature? Never seen it before…
@tlotr because im giving everyone a positive karma just to help them out. I do that to everyone who post something in my thread
But i wouldn’t mind getting few back
@tojik_bacha: If you can post everything in a post, that would be satisfying enough.
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