
6 years ago


does anyone see whet bruteforce attack?

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
6 years ago


I never ever tried to whet any bruteforce attack, sorry!

Maybe you meant something else ? :p

6 years ago | edited 6 years ago


Brute force attack is trying various combinations of usernames and passwords again and again until you get the right one.


Yes, it is very cool but you have to collect a lot of information about the target and values ??guessing and narrowing as much as possible to speak about brute force passwords

6 years ago


My favorite bf soft is john (the ripper) but I know that hashcat is really appreciated by most of the challengers. I’d like to try it with the cuda driver, too bad I don’t have a nvidia device… Has someone over here ever tried to use OpenCL with amd cards?

6 years ago


well brute force is a powerful dictionary attack tool, for hacking passwords and stuffs like that. what it does is, you attach it with the account or whatever password you want to hack then it will start the dictionary attack by starting from A to Z then get to aa to ZZ then AAA to ZZZ but it does it very very fast and quickly, and even adds numbers and special characters, so withing some few time boom it will get the password for you.

Darwin [DIDIx13]
6 years ago


@Mugiwara27 Maybe he was trying to say that bruteforce is “wet” ? :p

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
6 years ago


Who knows?

You never know what a guy with a backtrack picture think about bruteforce attacks :p

6 years ago


[quote=predicttraumatic]brute force is a powerful dictionary attack tool[/quote]

This is wrong. Brute-force and dictionnary attack are absolutely different. Brute -force will try all possible combinations available with selected charset, whereas dictionary attack will only try a list of selected words. Moreover, Brute force is not even a tool, but a method. Don’t write bullshit here, please.

6 years ago


hey i have an idea i want to make an ip address in a payload on metasploit but my cible isn’t on same network with me but in internet but out my network

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
6 years ago


Stop watching films, you won’t hack someone just by entering his IP

Learn real things better than wasting time on a tool too powerful for you (atm :) )

Smyler [WHGhost]
6 years ago


[quote=python819025] my cible isn’t on same network with me but in internet but out my network[/quote]
If it is not in your own network, it probably doesn’t belong to you. So what you are trying is likely to be illegal. And, we won’t help you to do ilegall things here.

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