pubg mobile hack

so most of you guys would’ve heard of pubg mobile hacks….. in which they run a script on gg(game guardian) and gets aim bot, speed etc.. etc.. tbh i have tried it myself and it actually worked (i dont support cheating a game) just out of curiosity so what i wanna know is how come a little script alters the speed of the player and all the stuff it must be not be server sided maybe idk just know how that script works its a lua script btw ( )

Sure sure.. you’re no cheater. We trust you.
All depends on how the game is made. If the server trust the client too much, these things will be possible.
Things like “gg” allow you to search the game’s memory for specific values. If the speed is in there and the server doesn’t check things, you can simply change the value in memory and be a happy cheater.

[quote=nikhilrawat]But I don’t get that how come they bypass the security of the game…[/quote]
The problem is that there may be no security to bypass. You are in control of the client, it’s on your computer, so you can do what you want with it. The client sends network packets to the server to stay in sync with it, and keep him aware of your moves so that it can tell the other players. But if you tell the server that you went from point A to point B, if the game is poorly designed, the server may trust your client without checking if you are allowed to go from A to B, and so send you there.
Have a look at &list=PLhixgUqwRTjzzBeFSHXrw9DnQtssdAwgG">this videos by LiveOverflow if you want to learn more about MMO logic, it is well explained.

Indeed. You first need to know the security before you can either get or don’t get how it is bypassed.
The Lua code isn’t that hard, but it also doesn’t tell you much because it uses gg to change memory without documenting what exactly is changed. Besides, it doesn’t really matter if you are only interested in how these things are possible in general.

The lua code looks pretty obfuscated, that may be why you are not able to understand it @nikhilrawat .

[quote=WHGhost]The lua code looks pretty obfuscated, …[/quote]
It is actually encrypted. (As is mentioned in the code itself. ;))
Perhaps look at it as a nice exercise, @nikhilrawat**: obtain the decrypted code.

well i did some research about game guardian and lua scripts even though it took me alot of time but now i understand like what that script does and i also learned how to create your own script and things like that aaaannnnnddddd i also hacked a server sided shooting game just to see if i could do it or not but yea thanks to everyone….. B) B) <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Well congratulations for learning new things! Hope you won’t cheat to much, there is no real reason to do so if you are just curious. Did you get how decrypt the first lua script you posted? It’s a great example of how security measures can be non existent even when someone thought he implemented them.

There’s no need to decrypt that lua script coz whenever you use it’s hack on game guardian it I’ll show what value it changed and by how much… there’s no need to decrypt it coz the main thing is that value so yeah…. Since i know how this works… The question i asked sounds so dumb to me ??? but nvm