I want to learn hacking...

Mystery [kapuccino]
11 years ago


Hi there, I am interested in hacking. Can you guys show me where or how to start hacking? :p



Did you know anything about how things work? As I always said, you can’t hack anything if you don’t know how it works. :(

Mystery [kapuccino]
11 years ago


I have read some posts in this forum. You recommend learning HTML as the start. But can it help to improve my hacking skills?

11 years ago


Hack to learn, don’t learn to hack.

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Well, to be honest, it doesn’t help much to improve your “hacking” skills. Say, there’s a war between A (web attacker) and B (web security). No matter which side you choose, you can’t win if you don’t stand on the ground (the basic, known as HTML and stuff).

Mystery [kapuccino]
11 years ago


Ok, got it. So if I want to learn the basic, where can I start? :p

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


That guy @shiruken closed topic so fast. Anyway, you should read this thread. There’re some my recommendations and just spend time on it.

11 years ago


its like trying to run before you can walk, find a programming language and a platform you can learn it from and stick with it. Learn some basics about how computers work hardware and software. Complete levels on hackthis, read articles and watch videos on subjects you find interesting. Then you will develop your own understanding of what YOU find interesting and what YOU want to learn more about.

Mystery [kapuccino]
11 years ago


Ok guys. I will try to do something to improve my skills. Thanks for your sharing.


@Zoino: I really like your idea.
@kapuccino: That was my pleasure.

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