Until now I’ve recover all the data from the img, also I decoded the sounds, but I still no getting the answer. I guess this is not the way, something is missing. I think maybe its something with the txt files…am I rigth?
Sometimes you have everything you need and you are very close to success. It’s not a quote it’s about the situation you are in. Hint: Just activate the door to next level with your activation code. ;) ;)
Ok, now I’m pretty sure that there is a deformed file into the img. I dont know what tool to use to look into the file, pls give me some advice to look into the file.
If my spoiler is going agains the forum, I can delete it
[/Spoiler] I think the answer is in the PDF file (one of those), but I still founding nothing into them. I found some reference into the file to Hackthis. But I got no previus knowledge with PDF forensics analisys [/Spoiler]
Please, tell me, should I still digging into the PDF files?
lol why using spoilers when you talk about it outside of the spoiler tag
oh and to use the proper bbcode, do not use any capitalization :)
Beside, don’t worry, it’s not a spoil ; you should not focus on the first files you find.
Try to list them all and then try analyzing them one by one, you’ll get it when you have the right one
Good luck!
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