yup , you need to understand where the username and the password . ANONRA was right , you need to read the source code very properly and understand it :)
[deleted user] 12 years ago
Ok This_Hacker , look at the source code, also look at the url. What happens when you enter your username and any password? How could you use this to your advantage with what you see in the url and what you read in the source code?
I have found a apache database of the members but when a enter a username and password , when i log in it say me “ correct ” but on the level’s page there is righted “ Error: Incorrect details ”
I feel so stupid!! It took me like 2 days to get this, I was looking into formatting the URL to gey the logins. I had seen the directory within the first few seconds but didn’t put 2+2 together :(
Anyway, happy now :)