I’m stuck with basic level 3 from past few days. please help me. I’m not understanding what to do or how to go ahead with this level.
It would be very helpful if some one gave a hint on how to solve this level. I have already read all the threads and still din’t understand how to do it.
The Hint says: “If Flash needs to communicate with a server it does so in exactly the same way a normal page would.” What are the methods that a page communicates with a server? If you find that answer you will be able to complete this level.
When you reply to that post by pressing the submit button.. do you know what happening? which method it’s been used to communicate with the server? its exactly the same thing in the basic level 3!
I found the value to change in the method. But once I change the score value and send it to server, the request is not getting executed. I don’t understand what wrong I’m doing here. Please help me out.
I already read different threads before posting here. There is one user who had the same question but the user figured it out, so I din’t really understand how he did it. Can I PM you and discuss the solution? I don’t want to reveal anything here.
oh no!! I think I read that on someones thread, but I don’t know why it din’t strike me.. I was so focused on solving this challenge.. thank you so much for making me realize that. I’ll do this challenge with a different tool.
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