Beginner in real help.
Hi, all. I am really interested in computers and i want to start programming. What programming langauge should i begin with to go in the path of hacking?Thank you all for your advice and help.

Well, don’t learn to hack, hack to learn. Every programming language has its pros and cons.
So if you want to learn programming language, you should start with C/C++, Python or Java.

I’d recommend C. It’s harder than the others, since it’s a little older, but once you have a clear understanding of the C language, you’ll be able to learn other languages in no-time (except, perhaps for LISP. That one takes A LOT of getting used to. Needed it for AutoCAD at some point and everyone hated it, even those who are better programmers than I am).
Learn C and procedural programming, learn OOP and you’re pretty much set. From then on, it’s just a matter of making analogies for most other programming/scripting languages.
Oh, and good luck! :D You’ll most likely hit several frustrating walls on your way. Especially when going from procedural to OOP (I know i hated OOP at first - still prefer procedural actually).
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Well hitting walls must mean your doing it right. :D I have also heard that python is a good starter language? But i feel it is kind of wierd. and not really right for a beginner ? What do you think? thx for the advice. :)

Python and alike would be a great place to start learning the concepts, C would probably just be too hard to start with and cause you to give up.
“I dislike people who quote themselves” - TaaRt
Yes. I actually want to start to program because im really interested in computers and i really just want to have fun doing it :)
Just one more thing. Do hackers usually specialise in (Application secuity),(Network Security) and (Website Security). Could anyone just explain to me about those 3 things. Thanks a lot!

Application Security means cracking certain applications. Inserting code into said application, hiding info/viruses, reverse engineering applications (meaning programs).
Network Security means taking control of (part of a) network. Like cracking wireless keys, listening and gathering information off a network, compromising a network of computers in order to do something (such as extract info off one of them).
Website Security is just what this site’s levels mainly teach. Getting access to data you shouldn’t normally access from the server (usually) of said website. It involves SQL Injection, NULL byte and directory traversal, cross-site scripting, etc…
I hope I’ve covered it (they all go way beyond that, i’m just giving very brief ideas here).
No one here is going to help you do something bluntly illegal such as phishing! This site is meant for people to learn and have fun, not harm others.
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@Sunrix: If you are a genius or just purely dedicated to the nerd life, you don’t have to worry about which field you have to focus on. Normally, people have a lot of things to achieve in their life. Choose one and eventually you will meet all of them at the end of your path.
@princw: Sorry, negative karma for “pshing page”. How about using your own domain/hosting server and even SSL certificate to make a badass phising page?

I agree with freewind here. If you start doing this seriously, you’ll sooner or later bump into all of them, there’s no specialization :) They’re just “fields” you can study independently. But in real situations, you’ll likely need more than one.
Oh, @freewind1012, how do I receive the “negative karma” thingy? I wanted to do that myself but I can’t yet… (this is a little off-topic)
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@Fireshard: Read this thread about negative karma. :p

Gaaaaah…mono-sound! In 2013 (almost 2014)! I’ll have to listen to this at some less-advanced hour of the day, phones off :D
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So (freewind1012),(fireshard) and (TaaRT) what you guys said were right and thanks for the advice and info.Really helped a lot. So im just going to start my journey with python and then later move to harder languages like C and C++.Best to learn some programming logic and logics skills before taking on C languages so what do you guys think?Thanks in advance :D

Any way you go at it, it’s fine as long as you don’t give up.
I started programming with C, in high-school. Then again, we had an average of 7 hours / week of programming throughout the whole 4 years of high-school, so it wasn’t that hard to get started with C (since it was such a long start).
Never tried Python, to be honest, but I suppose I will when I have the time for it, since Linux seems to rely on programs written in C++ and Python a lot.
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A HACKER should see through his DeCeptions ………………………………..
I guess I see through my DeCeptions ………………………………………………..

@Sunrix: It’s good to hear that you’ve already started to learn. Btw, if you don’t have any question to ask, please close this thread. :p