I have no clue what happened!?

Access logs

11 years ago


I just clicked login without altering anything and it says level complete ! i don’t know what happened but i didn’t learn any new thing from this level :( . Can someone please tell me what might have happened?

???Roun512 [roun512]
11 years ago


you are right . Maybe it’s a bug or flabby was missing there :D you should report it :)

*********** [ADIGA]
11 years ago


i would assume its intended, as part of the mission is not being detected, so if you enter a wrong input your ip can no longer login even when you provide the correct answer, but after inputing the right thing and your ip changes, the mission is auto solved even with no input.

that is just gussing not a way to do it.

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Maybe the real question is “What’s the main objective of this level?”. ;)

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


For those of you that are stuck on this level, here is a little tip:

How do you hide or change your IP address? Do you know what a proxy is? Google is your friend :)

For those of you using Kali Linux or BT here is the good old way —-> http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/634228/How-to-Use-Proxychains-Forwarding-Ports

For those of you using windows —> http://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-Proxy

For those of you using mac (although this works for Windows, MacOS, Linus/BSD, Debian/Ubuntu/Mint or android etc etc) —>https://anonymous-proxy-servers.net/en/jondo.html

Best thing is to read it all properly and understand it rather than just using it because i said so. xD

That way you will have learned something :)

Hope this helps

10 years ago


No i mentioned it earlier that this level has a serious bug. I also reported it to @flabbyrabbit .
The bug is like just copying and pasting something from a site ,exactly the same without any alterations passed me this level.

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Oh i see… Good to know, thanks

The logging was working as it should for me and blocking me no matter what i entered into the fields. Then after using >> \n(correct wording)[/spoiler] it stopped blocking my IP but still would not let me pass. Only once i activated my [spoiler]proxy did it then let me through. So it is working the way it should for me and maybe bugged for others. I wonder if it could be browser related or something else, not too sure.. a bit beyond my scope for now :)

Thanks for the info though IAmDevil, i wondered why some had said that it all of a sudden just worked for them using random inputs, now it makes sense.

[deleted user]
10 years ago


IAmDevil is right. This level has some bugs. I created a new account just to check that out. The answer that I had used to complete this level didn’t worked on the new account that I created. Later on somehow I managed to pass the level in my new account with a different answer. The problem is once you complete the level there is no way to determine if the answer you are entering is correct or not because anything you put in the input box it will show that it is accepted and you have completed the level. The only way to check if it is really working or not is by creating a new account or asking someone else to try it who has not yet completed the level.

10 years ago


Which i am sure can make identifying the problem quite a tedious task.

10 years ago


Yes the level is fixed now and works fine.
I too was confused even after fixing the bug its still accepting my answer, but after using @tlotr ’s method it was realized.
And @ANONRA was right the level is intended to work that way. ?

10 years ago


Wow, that level was ridiculous. I honestly don’t know how I managed to solve it.


You have to figure out what the log parses as a success. Like exact wording.


So you guys didn’t know the true objective of this level. So I suppose that you had completed it by chance.

10 years ago


How did I manage to complete it by chance though? Is this level still buggy?

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Make sure you know the objective of this level. It’s not about log injection so the input doesn’t matter.

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