I need help with my laptop!!!!
i was at my laptop wich was near candles and my desktop was black….is it because of candles? also, laptop is often overheated and i must turn off him for a while.
sorry for bad english

I do know Ubuntu drivers may cause issues with videocards and such, causing shorter-lasting battery life and overheating issues.
“I dislike people who quote themselves” - TaaRt

Sometime i experience same problem with overheated,so i just get box with size of laptop and i put ice in that box,and box goes down,laptop on it,and no more geting overheated.And no loss at all,cuz when ice become water,i again rebuild water in ice.
That’s my way.I always have some strange ideas,and my friends who get in my room react ‘wtf’.
But why it happen,i’m not sure.Too much heavy programs working or something like that.Maybe could be hard disc fragments what push it to work more.Can be anything.
Idk,candles near laptop’s schreen should not make desktop black.

[quote=Voorm]candles near laptop’s schreen should not make desktop black.[/quote]
unless they are the ones heating the thing (doubt it, though…candles usually have pretty cold flames)
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@xxCironxx: You should bring your laptop to the tech guy living nearby. There are so many factors (hardware(s), software(s), environment…) that we don’t even know where to start.
Hi xxCironxx, overheating is common with laptops because users have them on their laps (across their legs) and block the vent openings underneath the laptop. Make sure there is nothing on your desk, (like clothes or cloth) or something else that might be blocking the CPU cooling fan vent. A laptop will crash if the CPU gets too hot and then you will need to let it cool down again before you can restart the machine. But if it crashes too many times because of heat it can kill the CPU. So if you are in a hot country you need more air circulating to cool your laptop.
Try getting yourself something like this from ebay as it would help keep your laptop cool.
Keep water, including ice away from your laptop as when the ice melts it increases the humidity inside the laptop if like another member said and cause corrosion of the connections to the motherboard. Candles should really be kept away from laptops as the fumes that come off candles can contain candle wax and this can destroy your DVD drive if the wax coats the DVD’s laser as it is an optical drive and needs to be kept clean.
Anyway I hope this helps? :)
11 years ago
Hi xxCironxx, idletester is quite correct as the main cause of a laptop overheating is because of poor ventilation of the CPU cooling fan and vent. You are better to get one of the LAPTOP COOLER COOLING STAND PADS try to get a powered one with fans as they will keep your laptop cooler. Here is a website that might help as it shows you the common faults causing laptops overheating. But before you start taking covers off your laptop try the cooling pad idea from idletester as i will help if not solve the problem of overheating.
thank you I will buy myself a laptop cooler . but my desktop is still black . what to do vith my desktop ???
11 years ago
Nothing, Mine is black too! :)

Something here doesn’t make much sense. xxCironxx, where are you from. Try and say this in your language, maybe we can find a way to understand better…why, when, how is it black? (@ANONRA I’m pretty sure he knows how a PC is supposed to boot up)
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A HACKER should see through his DeCeptions ………………………………..
I guess I see through my DeCeptions ………………………………………………..
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago
I think xxCironxx has to be taking the piss. No-one on here can be that bad? Or can he??
Look man, if when you try to boot up your laptop and you get nothing but a black screen how the hell are you posting here??

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago
Which part of : > Look man, if when you try to boot up your laptop and you get nothing but a black screen how the hell are you posting here?? This link wants closing. Stupid!!