Basic + level 3 Help

i learned alot from this site ! things like robots.txt search and inspect element function and others and how to decrypt Binary , MDH5 … but here to change the score i couldnt find anything in the source code i even tried to change the score with cheat engine but didnt work :/ is there other tools that a hacker could use ? especially for this level ?

“I dislike people who quote themselves” - TaaRt

[quote=Hint]… it does so in exactly the same way a normal page would.[/quote] :/
even a search on google didnt help much , any hints ?

yeah, you basically have to (putting this within spoiler tags, because i’m not sure if i should or shouldn’t say this much):
have your browser send the server the data it needs.
Don’t feel bad for not being able to do this one because most times over thinking kills solutions. I only managed this one after solving 80% of the levels :P
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Yea @Fireshard has given u an excellent hint !!
If u still don’t get it then take a look on the older threads too . Might just help you ??
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

It’s an add-on. But you don’t need it. Completed this level on 19th of December. And used nothing but the “inspect element” of the browser to do it.
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this level is releated to server side right ? if no , hacking server side is using SQL injection only ? what other methods exist ?

Statey is right. You are not server-side hacking here. You are just modifying what the browser sends to the server, to fool it. The server itself is not hacked in any way.
Try and look up how a client-server works like, understand the steps and their order. Then apply them to this level. And if you can’t solve it right now, move on to other challenges, you might get ideas from there as well :)
Trust me, when you finally complete this level, the only thing that will stop you from hitting yourself (cause it’s a really easy level) will be the happiness you got from passing the level :D That’s how I felt about it. It made me feel dumb for not completing it earlier. But hey, it’s the things that make you feel dumb that finally stick to your head when you solve them, you know?
Oh, and hacking is about understanding how things work, and the steps they take to work (everything software is built out of small basic steps)!
Just “never quit, never surrender!” Keep learning!
Don’t post answers on the forums!
Search other forums before making new threads called “help” !

“I dislike people who quote themselves” - TaaRt

i googled alot ! and searched for good sites to learn programming languages , and didnt find the solution for Basic lvl 3 yet , any suggestions or hints ? :/

@Kunai: Then just move to another levels. I believe there’s a level which can help you to complete this one. No one said that you had to complete all those things in order.