Binary and Hexadecimal conversion.

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


##How to convert from binary to decimal.[/center] **
Here are the multiples binary uses.[/center]**
65536 32768 16384 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1[/center] Okay let say we had a number 1 under the '1' next we have a number 0 under the '2' and a number 0 under the '4' and a 1 under the '8'. This would give us a binary number of **1001** and if we add the top numbers together where there is a 1 under the number, we get: 1 under '1' = '1' then we have a 0 under the 2 = '0' next the 0 under the 4 = '0' and the 1 under the '8' = '8' so we add the '8' and '1' together and we get '9' therefore **1001 in binary base '2' = '9' in Dinary or Decimal Base '10'.**
**What would this number in binary convert to in decimal?**[/center]
How we work it out is like this: count from right to left there is 16 numbers 1 & 0's now count on the top line of dinary numbers and the 16th number is 32768 and a 1 at the start so 32768 + 1 = 32769 easy is it not when you know how! [center]##Hexadecimal is base 16.
Okay now we want to convert the Dinary or Decimal (base 10) into Hexadecimal. Not as hard as you might think. Hex or Hexadecimal is base 16 and its numbers and characters are as follow: You can use the number '0' to the letter 'F' like this->(0123456789ABCDEF). The decimal value for the number '1' converted to hexadecimal is still a '1' but the hexadecimal value for '15' in decimal is a letter 'F' in hexadecimal and the value of '17' decimal is '11' in Hexadecimal and '10' is 'A'. Get it? [center]So if we have a base 10 number of 100 what is it in Hex?? well let's have a look at this table.
Base 16 is where the 'numbers' you can use are '0' to the letter 'F' like this->(0123456789ABCDEF). The decimal value for the number '1' converted to hexadecimal is still a '1' but the hexadecimal value for '15' in decimal is a letter 'F' hexadecimal and the value of '17' decimal is '11' in Hexadecimal. Get it? [center]There are a lot of online converters out here and here is a good one to use. [ BASE CONVERTER](


Good tutorial, @ANONRA . Just can’t figure out why someone gave you negative karma for this post. :/


well said !!!

11 years ago


+1 ANONRA . nice share

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


hi all no idea why i would get a negative karmaq guess someone don’t like me? lol :)
I only did it to try and help a little as some members were having problems with binary and hex. Thanks for your kind comments. have a great 2014 :)

11 years ago


Hmm might be a mistake !! Could have clicked down arrow instead of up ! Lol ?
But nice post !


Nothing changes then? We’ll done ANONRA sod the neg karma and who gave it to you. At least you take the time to post and try to help!

11 years ago


A very god reason for giving this post/thread negative karma, is that a tutorial like this already exist in the forum…. -.-
Made by me 8 month before Anonra…. So thank you Anonra. Remember to use the search bar before posting.

11 years ago


Hmm… So you gave the -ve karma ? ?

11 years ago


-.- seriously??
Look at my post count… Don’t have 100 posts, so can’t give negative karma.
Don’t know who did it, but I support it.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Why are you being a prat. I didn’t know the same sort of stuff was posted a while ago. I was only answering a member who asked the question. So all I have to say on this bollocks is just that. Bollocks!! I guess the best thing to do on here is just to let you all get on with your own little world. Thanks to the members who found it helpful. And the moaning members, I hope you have a wonderful life as you see it. I won’t bother trying to help anymore

11 years ago


C'mon guys let it go.
It was a stupid misunderstanding! ?

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


People keep complaining about multiple post with same question, but when I complain about dobbel post with same answer, I am called a prat??! o.O
I don’t mind that you are trying to help, but I think users who answer should use the search bar, like users who ask.
Very simple.

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