Weird alert popup
Hi guys, I believe I’m very close to solving this level but when I try to get the search bar to alert the password, something unexpected comes up. I tell it to alert the d variable with this statement: >> javascript:alert(d); I thought that this would show me the password, but instead gives me the current date, time and time zone I am in! So it seems that some other d variable is overriding the one defined in the page’s javascript file - my guess is that it’s alerting the contents of javascript’s built-in “Date” object. Any ideas about what’s happening…or what i did wrong?
JavaScript Level 5 is the level with a prompt box, right? I have just done something to display value of the variable d. Everything still works fine. I have also figured out why the alert box gave you the current time. Yeah, you did something wrong. Try again.
A HACKER should see through his DeCeptions ………………………………..
I guess I see through my DeCeptions ………………………………………………..
Changing your browser won’t help you to complete this level. You have to
alert the variable in a right page
[quote=syamsnazar]I think there is indeed a problem in javascript 5[/quote]
That’s your point of view but yours is wrong.
@CINDY: Please put your post in spoiler tag like this:
[ spoiler]Content goes here[ /spoiler] (remove spaces)
It’s weird because you did something wrong.
[quote=kamzhik]Is it just me who passed the level without alerting anything?[/quote]
No, you’re not the only one ;-)
I apologize if sometimes I write in a mistaken english… I’m from Italy :)
I apologize if sometimes I write in a mistaken english… I’m from Italy :)