Crypt level 7

Pawda [Memoria]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Hi everyone,
few days before I made a challenge that have been submitted to @flabbyrabbit but no answer then because I guess he’s busy.
The first version was designed for Christmas but it’s now passed and since my main interest was to make you guys trying to break it, I’ve decided to remake it and put it public.
Please don’t post any answers on this topic, you can send me via pm if you think you’ve found the password.
This level is about all the recent discussion on HackThis about steganography and cryptography. I hope you’ll enjoy it and any feedback is good to take (even the bad ones).
Happy new year to all of you !

Level Description:

Red alert, the Chinese have stolen the user’s database of HackThis and changed the admin password!
We tried to brute force the new password, but this one is probably written in Chinese and we don’t know where to start…
We’ve intercepted an email with a strange image inside. This must be hiding something.
We heard you guys were aware steganography and encryption system, do you think this has a relation with the recent talks on the forum?

Here is the image we’ve intercepted:
download me

To solve this level, dowload the attached image and save it on your computer.
You should get a file named “crypt 1.bmp”.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I am unable to see the image. Can you post a direct link to the image.

Pawda [Memoria]
11 years ago


Sure, should be working now ~

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Memoria: Just to confirm the image is a bmp image correct or its jpg or something else.

Pawda [Memoria]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


well, what you’ve downloaded is named “crypt 1.bmp” for the rest it’s part of the challenge to find out.

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


I will give a try when I have time. Thanks @Memoria .

11 years ago


Thanks @Memoria ! Just in time! I had just finished the levels on this site yesterday :)

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@Fireshard: Someone hates you enough to give negative karma for any of your post, lol. :D
@Memoria: The image which I downloaded is PNG format. I suppose that it has been converted from BMP to PNG after uploading. Can we solve this riddle with PNG file, or does it have to be BMP?

Pawda [Memoria]
11 years ago


nah, png or bmp it doesn’t matter at least for the first layer.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Memoria: The second layer is a bmp or txt file.

11 years ago


assez dificile mais reussi

[deleted user]
11 years ago


English Please

11 years ago


@freewind1012 I’ve noticed this myself. I don’t really care about it, but I consider doing that instead of talking to me about things a little childish.

Pawda [Memoria]
11 years ago


[quote=Jode20] assez dificile mais reussi[/quote]
Thanks @Jode20, hope you’ll learn one thing or two doing it.

[quote=tlotr]The second layer is a bmp or txt file.[/quote]
@tlotr If you find the first layer; you will know what to do with the second one. all layer contains hints inside.

11 years ago


I hope you didn’t use some random software and now asking us to reverse.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Scrofulaceum salt Song ? X position `Cao Zhao preserves Lilie ? Hime Chong Lingdanbenghui Zhaihuaneza] Chi Eqie Bengbidanhe Dingxinpiyue

Pawda [Memoria]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


I hope you didn’t use some random software and now asking us to reverse.
@Keeper If you have a look just even at the result of the first layer you will see this obviously homemade. As I said, it’s use all recent discussion about steganography & cryptography so it means it’s basically a mix between the algorithm that already has been posted on the website.
Every layer contains their hints.
I’ve purposely let at least one weakness on each layer in order to make it “easily” reversible (you know, the kind of like the guy find how to make a public key ssh but he was so stupid that he put the private key in the same file and sent it to everyone).
I doubt you’ll find any existing software to make this except the one I had to develop by myself to make it.

I like your work and everything but please suggesting that.. I won’t send this level to flabby and getting credit for if it wasn’t mine, flabby got all the steps to make this level if he ever accept it.
I’m not forcing anyone to reverse this, it’s just a new year contest for people who has finish the levels on hackthis and would like to practice some of the topics you and other peoples have written in their articles.

@tlotr I have no clue about what you’ve posted but if you think you have found an answer, please send in pm.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Keeper is such a show off.

Pawda [Memoria]
10 years ago


Too sad still no one has solved it.
I made another one much more complicated for the ones interested.
I qualify the new one as impossible to solve, but who knows.. Maybe I forgot something ;)

Mystery [kapuccino]
10 years ago


Thank you for your work. I will try to solve it as soon as I finish the official Crypt 7. However, stega is not really my type. :p

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