User Blocking Feature

12 years ago


I suggest that a system for blocking/ignoring specific users is developed. For example, block somebody from messaging you on the site or not viewing his posts both in the forum or articles section (anywhere at all). It could also be added as a check box whether you want to block the user only from messaging you or to block him entirely.

The idea could be extended a lot more but for now I couldn’t think of anymore features.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
12 years ago


It is a good idea. Maybe a posting/messaging limit would also be suitable and may help prevent this problem occurring?

Is this about a specific event? If so please let myself know and I may be able to do something about it at a higher level.

12 years ago


No, I just thought that it may be a good addition to the website because there is always someone that you would not like to listen to. About the limit of messaging/posting - it could also be useful in order to prevent spam.

Off-topic: Contacted you for a possible vulnerability hope you received the message.

12 years ago


Sorry for the double posting but I kinda get really annoyed when people start spamming me with hacking requests.

So can this idea become reality or it needs more time of approval and development?


yup… there is many people spamming the forum with the same topic -_- , feel so uncomfortable

jufri [JUFRI89]
12 years ago


i’m not sure about that… becaause the security just make me trouble and it not easy on me.. so please teach me.. so i;m really know what i;m doing in here.. please….


if you want people teach you….. you dont have to spam in their chat box okay :) i dont mean you , i mean it for everyone

12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


Still isn’t settled yet.. @flabby please reply about your decision because the thread is still open and no conclusive decision has been made.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
12 years ago


To clarify, this issue will be resolved in one form or another in the next release.

12 years ago


I thnk that would be a nice feature but,

In future maybe a feature to stop someone from posting on forums;
‘I need help hacking a 'example’ account '

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


oh yes its the worst when someone ask for hacking account ! :D

12 years ago


I don’t mind when someone asks me about hacking in general IE;
“ I can I secure myself against it?”
I’d reply quickly, “you’d need a strong password, and try to avoid being caught in phishing websites ”

But to ask a community “I need this account hacked here’s the email address plzzzzzz”

Oh well, I guess that’s really useful for you to be given everything beforehand and not learn it yourself…
It’s pure ignorance in general.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
12 years ago


@HUNON that is a separate topic, this is about individuals creating their own block lists stopping people messaging them. You’re suggestion is about banning users from the forum, this is already possible but only occurs when users repeatedly break the rules.

12 years ago


Thanks for the heads up Flabbyrabbit.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
12 years ago


As an update to this there has been a block option on users profiles for some time now. By blocking a user it will stop that user being able to PM you. Hopefully this is adequate to meet @keeper’s request.

12 years ago


Hey just tried to block myself, and pm myself, (well ofcourse I couldn’t because I had blocked me), but I was still able to reply (pm) in an earlier pm chat with myself……
So is it true that this block feature only works with new composed messages and not in reply of earlier messages?

J [ColdIV]
12 years ago


Hey tried it too.
Usually I can send and reply to message send by me to me.
If I block myself I can still reply but if I try to send a message to myself it will say “Error sending message. All fields are required”

So I guess you are right you can still reply..

12 years ago


heheh, kind of eliminate the blocking feature :P, no matter if you block me ColdIV i’ll still be able to pm you, just have to reply in old chats ;D muahaha

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
12 years ago


You can not reply on old conversations when you are blocked by that user. I imagine this is a qwerk in the system when blocking yourself. To be honest I did really consider blocking yourself as a test case. To reiterate if you block another user they will not be able to send you new PMs or reply on existing conversations.

J [ColdIV]
12 years ago


Guess that’s alright d:
Hope I won’t be rude to myself ‘cause I can’t block me :/

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