This is cool, the first website ever! Old Tech N3RDS!
So I get all nerdy when it comes to history of technology and love to tinker around with older technology. I will take apart, screw around, tinker, hack, and program any piece of junk tech that comes to my hands. Something about older technology is interesting. Now days everything has a set standard and operates with the same protocols. Back in the days technology was new, fun, different, and simply badass! I would never cast out new technology for the old because I am used to and quite satisfied with what we have now days, maybe tube T.Vs, Line User Interface, VCR, NES, SNES, ATARI, arcades, and dipole antennas, but that’s about it.
Anyways, I wondered what the first website ever was and if I was still online. Thought I’d share!
The worlds first website
Line-mode Browser
The best place to get roms from
Let me see which roms I can get from this website. Sometimes, I miss the old games so much. ;)
What @Pinkponyprincess ? Lol Also what happened last night?
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”
Haha no problem @jayssj11 It’s just weird looking at what we have now and this is once all there was y' know
Nice find! The line-browser simulator was my favorite part. The home page [url]
[/url] says you can connect to the line-browser through telnet as well. Has anyone tried that route yet? I am with Max on old school tech, and for all of us that do the same type of “tinkering, hacking, and programming” (all are about the same actually) it certaintly helps to know your roots. Thanks for the link.
I haven’t tried it yet @tOxicWast3 have you tried it? No probs @gabfin old tech rul3z