alien medal

Look at someone’s profile who is already an alien and check where “alien” is placed. Then try to change yours.

it changes gender to alien. i tried to change it just as i loged in with name ronald in earlier level……..but when i save changes male again appears in place of alien
how to become an alien

how to become an alien

@nitin_kc: I think you should learn more about HTML. A quick and dirty hint:
11 years ago
nitin_kc: You need to change something else too along with the Male / Female thingy for the Gender to change to Alien.

That was a nice little Easter-egg inside this site :)
Until now, I had always assumed it had something to do with the old BLX codes. Just goes to show: never assume!
Don’t post answers on the forums!
Search other forums before making new threads called “help” !
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”

It looks like I have found InfiniteLoop (deleted) / Hybrid71 (deleted) / @dfalcon’s descendant.