New Level Category

Monkey D. Luffy [Strawhats]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


I think we should add a Steganography (stegano) level. I have some great challenges that can go in there, but it’s really up to you all if you think we should have such a level for this.

Steganography: Hiding secret data or info within a file. (especially images, sounds, videos, and text files)

Please post your thoughts on this :)

*********** [ADIGA]
11 years ago


Any levels like that can be added to encryotion levels, not that its accurate to have it there, but i would assume it would make the site less of hastle to use and fater to find things in.

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Crypt Level 6 is a combination of steganography and cryptography. Maybe @flabbyrabbit will split up if there are enough steganography levels.

Monkey D. Luffy [Strawhats]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Ok, I foresaw responses like these. Yes, I know that crypto 6 is both steg and cryptography, however, its still data hidden inside of a media file. Therefore, that makes it lean more towards stegano than crypto. On all the hacking sites I’ve been to up until now, I have seen normal stego and crypto stego both in the same stegano category. I feel like adding a stego section to the site would really add a nice touch to this site. I also have other level ideas too, but I liked this one the most. I am new to the site, just joined like yesterday, so I don’t really know how much my viewpoints or influence matter right now, but in all honesty I really believe we should have separate stego section. Not to mention I have quite a few challenges that will give you guys something to put in there if you do end up making the level.

11 years ago


if your challenges are aprooved by admin then maybe we can have stego section !!

Monkey D. Luffy [Strawhats]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Cool. Where do I post challenges for you guys to look at?

11 years ago


You should PM them to @flabbyrabbit and discuss things, I guess

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@Strawhats: There are several people who are in charge of developing HackThis!! website and its levels: @flabbyrabbit, @Osaka, @verath … Therefore, it totally depends on their free time. If the system allowed us to submit our codes / challenges like it did with articles, that would be great. :D


Maybe they could just read this thread when they have time and respond then :D

Peter [verath]
11 years ago


I believe Flabby is the only one that can add levels currently, as they are not part of the github repository for obvious reasons. So message him I guess.

Also, I am in no way in charge of developing this site, see :p

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