New Level Category

I think we should add a Steganography (stegano) level. I have some great challenges that can go in there, but it’s really up to you all if you think we should have such a level for this.
Steganography: Hiding secret data or info within a file. (especially images, sounds, videos, and text files)
Please post your thoughts on this :)
Any levels like that can be added to encryotion levels, not that its accurate to have it there, but i would assume it would make the site less of hastle to use and fater to find things in.
I Hate Signatures.

Crypt Level 6 is a combination of steganography and cryptography. Maybe @flabbyrabbit will split up if there are enough steganography levels.

Ok, I foresaw responses like these. Yes, I know that crypto 6 is both steg and cryptography, however, its still data hidden inside of a media file. Therefore, that makes it lean more towards stegano than crypto. On all the hacking sites I’ve been to up until now, I have seen normal stego and crypto stego both in the same stegano category. I feel like adding a stego section to the site would really add a nice touch to this site. I also have other level ideas too, but I liked this one the most. I am new to the site, just joined like yesterday, so I don’t really know how much my viewpoints or influence matter right now, but in all honesty I really believe we should have separate stego section. Not to mention I have quite a few challenges that will give you guys something to put in there if you do end up making the level.
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”

You should PM them to @flabbyrabbit and discuss things, I guess
Don’t post answers on the forums!
Search other forums before making new threads called “help” !

@Strawhats: There are several people who are in charge of developing HackThis!! website and its levels: @flabbyrabbit, @Osaka, @verath … Therefore, it totally depends on their free time. If the system allowed us to submit our codes / challenges like it did with articles, that would be great. :D

I believe Flabby is the only one that can add levels currently, as they are not part of the github repository for obvious reasons. So message him I guess.
Also, I am in no way in charge of developing this site, see :p
print(", ".join([str(x) for x in range(1,100) if not [y for y in range(2, x) if x%y==0]]))