Don’t ask us why. If it didn’t work, you would do something wrong. All I can say is that anything you changed in HTML source code would return to default after reloading a page.
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago
Dude if you fail you should try again until you succeed. Also once you change the name Sam to Ronald it shouldn’t show Sam on the webpage anymore. If it still shows Sam then you have done something wrong. Reloading the page as freewind1012 said will change everything to the default so avoid the refresh of the page.
<– Check this
I told you: DON’T RELOAD THE PAGE. Keep reloading and keep asking us why it did not work? What the hell?
And btw, you should know that “refresh” is equilavent to “reload”.
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago
iceflame1992: After reading your post on this thread, I think what you are doing is saving the source on to your pc and then changing Sam to Ronald and checking if it is getting changed on the website. If you are doing this then it will never happen.
Second thing is I think you are opening the source code of the page in notepad or a text editor in which you can make changes to the source code and then checking by reloading the webpage to see if the changes are showing up. If you are doing this then it will never work.
You need to use inspect element or use firebug (its an addon in mozilla firefox) to edit the webpage and to change the name from Sam to Ronald and see the changes done directly onto the webpage. If you are using mozilla firefox or google chrome use the inspect element. Right click on the webpage anywhere and then click on Inspect Element. Hope this helps.
after using inspect element (Ctrl + Shift + i when you’re in the page) to change what you want, you changed Sam to Ronald, then choosing him “ and let’s say it doesn’t work O.o ” ?!! why didn’t you try to change John to Ronald and leave every thing as it is???!
P.S. never ever RELOAD/REFRESH any page after using “inspect element”
sorry I didn’t mean it, but if you look at all previous posts you will know/see the answer step by step, all what I’ve done is collecting all of these posts together in my post!!!! and if I’ve to take over than 3 negative karma, I think we all have to share it together :/ :/
[left]and as @freewind1012 always said :[/left] [quote=@freewind1012]Please read before asking.[/quote]
I’ll tell you “Please read before take any action”!! and because I felt that he felt confused I took a negative karma… anyways my post is hidden, and I won’t post again
@DaPompo: You can delete your post whenever you want. That action will reset your karma too.
[left]@kapuccino thanks for your interest, but I won’t delete it, I’m pretty sure I didn’t do something wrong to be shame of to delete.
I don’t care about karma, I’m talking about reproach… and as I said before.. “read before take any action” beside “we all have to share the negative karma”
01101010 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01100100 01101111 01101110 01110100 00100000 01100111 01101001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01110101 01110000 0101100 00100000 01110000 01110101 01110011 01101000 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110010 01100100 01100101 01110010 00100000 0111010 0101001 !!!
I have the same issue. I can change to Ronald by CTRL+U to view source code, highlight SAM, right click to change text, change to Ronald, which does appear on the source page. Problem: I have no way to verify the change(actually see and choose Ronald from the list), as when I go back to original window with level 6 problem(log in for Ronald), while leaving the second one with page source still up.
Btw:Not trying to spoil anything but per forum rules, dont want to pm anyone with invite and have already spent many hours researching HTML and posting a help thread also.
any help is greatly appreciated