The H4ck3rs Coloring Book Issue #1

Max Lockhart [MaxLockhart]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


So, I decided to do a little thing that I think might be fun. I have no idea if this will work out or not but I’d love to get feedback from you who try.

I call it the ‘The H4ck3rs Coloring Book’ because these are fairly easy challenges just as little puzzles and pictures you may find in a coloring book. Does it make sense? lol It’s going to be a weekly challenge that’s released where there is a puzzle that requires some kind of tool/knowledge/hacker mindset/etc. It all depends on the challenge! I’m hoping to get a prize involved maybe for the winner of each week. I’ll see how that goes but maybe you guys will have fun doing the challenge.

This week your job is to crack multiple passwords from hashes you have gained access to. You have the tools you need to hash the words one way to check your answers and investigate the source code. Here is your hash list:

[] 5b6d69543c
] 3f3f392028
[] 567e6b4e77
] 61717a6072
[] 567e674c72
] 666d734d77
[] 2b3c36203c
] 3750553c2a
[] 567e7f597b
] 55803b253a
[] 60816a5477
] 677e755739
[] 57743a1737
] 6975785e7a
[] 556d79515f
] 3f75745e7f
[] 5e6d72523a
] 687a6f5f79
[] 617967592c
] 4b807b615f
[] 5e717f556e
] 557e7b5d6c
[] 5980765d75
] 5f3f39547a

Html Document

    <title>H4ck3rs Coloring Book Challenge #1</title>  
        function sf() {  

        function alg() {  
            var pass = document.getElementById("pass").value;  
            if (pass.length < 5) {  
                document.getElementById("prompt").innerHTML = '</div><div id="prompt_1">Password has to be 5 Characters</div>';  
            } else if (pass.length == 5) {  
                var hash = pass.split('');  
                var char1 = hash[0].charCodeAt();  
                var char2 = hash[1].charCodeAt();  
                var char3 = hash[2].charCodeAt();  
                var char4 = hash[3].charCodeAt();  
                var char5 = hash[4].charCodeAt();  
                var sem1 = char1 - 13 / 1;  
                var sem2 = char2 + 24 / 2;  
                var sem3 = char3 + 12 / 2;  
                var sem4 = char4 - 23 / 1;  
                var sem5 = char5 + 14 / 2;  
                var fin1 = sem1.toString(16);  
                var fin2 = sem2.toString(16);  
                var fin3 = sem3.toString(16);  
                var fin4 = sem4.toString(16);  
                var fin5 = sem5.toString(16);  
                var finHash = fin1 + "" + fin2 + "" + fin3 + "" + fin4 + "" + fin5;  
                document.getElementById("prompt").innerHTML = '</div><div id="h45h">' + finHash + '</div>';  
            } else {  
                document.getElementById("prompt").innerHTML = '</div><div id="prompt_2">Password Cannot Exceed 5 Characters</div>';  
    <style type='text/css'>  
        body {  
            background-color: #000000;  
        div#passForm {  
            font-family: Courier;  
            color: #00ff00;  
            position: fixed;  
            margin-left: 50%;  
            margin-top: 50%;  
            left: -130px;  
            top: -400px;  
        div#hashw0rd {  
            font-family: Courier;  
            color: #ffffff;  
            position: fixed;  
            margin-left: 50%;  
            margin-top: 50%;  
            left: -237px;  
            top: -250px;  
        div#prompt_1 {  
            font-family: Courier;  
            color: #ffffff;  
            position: fixed;  
            margin-left: 50%;  
            margin-top: 50%;  
            left: -171px;  
            top: -234px;  
        div#prompt_2 {  
            font-family: Courier;  
            color: #ffffff;  
            position: fixed;  
            margin-left: 50%;  
            margin-top: 50%;  
            left: -189px;  
            top: -234px;  
        div#h45h {  
            font-family: Courier;  
            color: #ffffff;  
            position: fixed;  
            margin-left: 50%;  
            margin-top: 50%;  
            left: -64px;  
            top: -234px;  

<body onload='sf()'>  
    <div id='passform'>  
            <input type='text' name='user' />  
            <input type='text' name='pass' id='pass' />  
            <input type='button' value='Login' onclick='alg()' />  
    <div id='hashw0rd'>  
        <p id='prompt'>  
            Password Hash will appear right here on click!  

I hope this is a fun little challenge for everyone, I put a lot of heart into it. It’s meant to be an easy challenge, but they may get harder as time goes on. The code is a home brew not something recycled from the web so have fun! The answers should be posted here and that will declare the winner. The methods used to complete this challenge are all up to you. Just when you do complete I encourage you to post your methods here for educational purposes and stuff like that.

Have Fun!

[deleted user]
10 years ago


Finished :)
I sent you a PM ;)


Haha nicely done @fkpuzat So what’d you think? Pretty easy but as for a fun weekly thing to post in the forums? Just trying to think of things lol. How’d you get the level done?

As a reward I you obtain +2 karma


Also, I’m not going to post an answer key until the end of the week I decided. So P.M me the answers everyone but dont spoil it for everyone.

[deleted user]
10 years ago


Easy but really nice level I think :)
I didn’t know the charCodeAt and toString functions, so thank you, I learnt and enjoyed on the same time :)

I made a little javascript program (41 lines) to reverse your encryption: I write a hash and it give me the pass. So I copy/paste your 24 hashes in my program ^^

[deleted user]
10 years ago


Nobody like this level? :)


Apparently not, I know it was overly easy but the next one will be better. I was more worried about the style but since I’ll be recycling I’ll put more work into the script.

[deleted user]
10 years ago


Great I’m waiting for the next one :)

10 years ago


Can someone traduct me the objectiv please? I like to try but I don’t understand ^^

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Oh my, what did happen to me? I had read this thread then forgot to bookmark it.

@MaxLockhart: Do you intend to release new level(s) soon?


Yeah, I just have been so busy lately. I have the second one already halfway done but there are some more things. I was going to finish something else but maybe I can do that and get it out by next week. Tell me when you get it done @freewind1012


@MineShadow you need to find the passwords that were generated script by reverse engineering the hash.

Mystery [kapuccino]
10 years ago


This challenge is pretty interesting. I will try to solve it when I have time. Thanks @MaxLockhart! :p

Pawda [Memoria]
10 years ago


I didn’t see this post before, I’ve sent my solution in pm :p.

10 years ago


[quote=author]MineShadow you need to find the passwords that were generated script by reverse engineering the hash.[/quote]
Thank you :) guy

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