Does HackThis use AdChoices?
Hello there, I’ve been seeing a lot of sites with AdChoices hosting advertisements lately. I think I may have a virus and these ads pop up. Whatever my most recent searches are seem to be the current ads therefore it’s granted access to my cookies without my permission. I run Ubuntu 12.04 on my mums pc, no OS on mine but I currently need a charger.
If anyone can take a look at the ads that come on this site and if they are powered by AdChoices or not that’d be fantastic.
How to tell? Well somewhere on the Ad there will be a really, itty bitty, logo like so:
I’ll post some screen shots of my pc in a second showing the ads that show up
I just took a pic from HT and W3schools since we all can agree to know those sites. AdChoices doesn’t seem to be on more commercial sites like FB and Google etc. but some big, yet smaller sites like tinypic, which I uploaded my screenshots to, have there CAPTCHA ads on AdChoices. I doubt it’s a virus but just checking because I’ve Googled AdChoices virus and have results but I’ve clicked a couple to see what happens and they go through tracking sites that pay per click and redirect me to the dst site.
The tracking site is which is owned by Prosper202. So if it is a virus they are maybe just scamming sites out of money or if not then domain owners can earn money better through this system without direct contracts to the company. So maybe that’s why I keep seeing it and why it’s so widely used. Easier ad system for domain owners and advertisers.
Screenshots (look at the ads):
Maybe @freewind1012 you can hand some of your wisdom over here

Ubuntu is unlikely to get a virus, but i am sure there is antivirus around for it, just google it, also, just add addblocker , and maybe cookie distructor .
I get rid of my cookies myself and clear all logs manually leaving no trace of anything on my pc everyday and write over the deleted data. That’s how I noticed it’s accessing my cookies because once I google something all of the ads point to those things and then rotate the ads as the browsing experience continues. For example the first site I go to is Hackthis so all of the ads for other sites I view contain tags dealing with the metadata from HackThis

Just check the page-code and see where the ads come from. Ads on this site are GoogleAds so it’s normal for the ads to be related to your searches while there’s a cookie from them on your computer. And GoogleAds provides for many many advertisers. Some of which might be AdChoices, depending on searches, location, etc…
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Yes. Upon further investigation, it is AdChoices for me as well. here’s 2 screenshots (disabled adblock for this):
The first one is a car sale’s agency and the ad is in Romanian (since i’m Romanian).
The second is an advert concerning industrial engineering since i’m an automation student and google stuff like that a lot
Hope this helped!
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Hmm @Maxlockhart I think you missed the disclaimer saying –
Privacy & Cookies
This website uses cookies. By continuing to use this site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. [/b]
try clearing all your history and cookies and then open HT. You see the above given disclaimer !!
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
I understand the sites disclaimer @IAmDevil I just wasn’t sure if I had some piece of adware on my system. All of the adds have to come from somewhere so just making sure we’re all getting them from the same and I’m not going crazy over trying to find non-existing adware lol. Thank you everyone! I really appreciate it! Viruses suck! Unless you’re writing them that is. Also, thanks @Fireshard for the screenshots. I feel more secure. I just know Ubuntu is pretty mainstream and somebody will have to eventually been inspired to write up a Linux virus.

No problem! Btw, I use ShareX for screenshots (it’s an open-source program). You can set it to auto-upload screenshots to imgur, and it will leave the link in the clipboard, for you to paste. Very convenient,especially for people creating tutorials and stuff like that ;)
Now if there’s no other issues with AdChoice, please close the thread! ;)
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I think the “personal”-ads arent based on cookies. Many sites track the internet-activity of users and try to get a “profile” of the person so they can give the person the ad they think fits best.
Try Ghostery to see what tracker (and other hidden programms) are run by which side. its quite interesting and gives you the opportunity to “block” them.

This party has been fun.
@MaxLockhart : I got the ads when disabling AdBlock+ too. Read this for more info.
statey is correct . you can try this it work sometimes only (worked for me when i tried)
go to any tavelling site or purchasing site . search for some item or holidays . blah blah .
now if u visit that site again or site similar to that they will show u ads related to your search like : 50% off on laptops (lol ) . but ads provider must be same on both different sites . for ex :
site A has : adserve site B has adserve
not 100% sure if it will work , but it never hurt to try :)
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