New Level Idea

12 years ago


Can we make a new level sort of like real level 4 or whatever, where u have to look at different sources, hack the weaker ones, and put the pieces together like a puzzle?

One idea is we could have one where you have to hack into a (fake) computer. You have to like get past a few (fake) security systems and maintain control of the computer, while other (real) members of You could like earn points depending on how long you maintain control of the computer. I dont exactly know how to do this though…

Another idea is to (make a new forum section for this level) make a post in the forums to make a team of like 5- 10 people, download either LOIC or HOIC, and DDoS a site.

Please consider these ideas. :)

12 years ago


Here is another idea:
First: I know nothing about any of this!
Ok, so what you have to do is open CMD, and do that telnet connection to a website. Then you have to download something that has like a virus attached to it or whatever. You have to get the file without getting the virus. The “virus” could like get rid of your points or something…

Scott [scopes20]
12 years ago


This site could do with a level maker, people can code there own level and submit it to flabby for review.

12 years ago


@ Scopes20, best idea yet!

12 years ago


i also think there should be a tut on how to hack into a serverside game undetected to edit values of currency and such.

Scott [scopes20]
12 years ago


Thenurowned, i think you would be better off finding a glitch to change any value in a serverside game, you can only speculate on that as most servers have different security

11 years ago


I thought that a good old fasioned brute force attack code would be good in the coding challenges

11 years ago


Or a telnet challenge :D

Skater [ira1997]
11 years ago


I think that idea is really great.

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