How @n lost his $50,000 Twitter handle

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


An interesting tale of social engineering and how it is still a major attack vector even after recent high profile media coverage.

My $50,000 Twitter Username Was Stolen Thanks to PayPal and GoDaddy

I had a rare Twitter username, @N. Yep, just one letter. Ive been offered as much as $50,000 for it. People have tried to steal it. Password reset instructions are a regular sight in my email inbox. As of today, I no longer control @N. I was extorted into giving it up.

Read more:

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Thanks for this post flabbyrabbit. What a nightmare. I will be contacting paypal in the morning for sure. Just goes to show how easy it is in some respects to get into someones account. PayPal want stuffing for that and GoDaddy are just idiots for allowing it. Glad I’m not with them but PayPal will be contacted tomorrow. Thanks again. :)

11 years ago


I…I…This is insane!

You’d expect PayPal to be masters of security, considering how they work with people’s money! It’s outrageous and I am now glad I’m not using it at all. I am shocked!

Thanks, flabby! Good post!

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


A thrilling story. ;)

11 years ago


What a great loss! :o
But who would spend 50000 bucks on a username?


@IAmDevil: A lot. Just like domain names.

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Hey IAmDevil, I once made enquiries about a number plate: B 1 M B O for my car, it was the name of my cat and the wife thought it would be cool. I thought it would be stupid but what can you do when her indoors want’s her indoors gets. NOT IN THIS CASE, I told her to get lost! The cost for the number plate B 1 M B O 58,000 and hell, for the plate 8 I M B O they want 29,995 so his $50000 in pounds sterling is only a mere 30,676.75. Not so bad! lol :)

11 years ago


58,000 for a custom license plate? WTF are they making it out of, mithril?


I hope that license plate had diamonds on it. But yeah, just letters and numbers.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I know it is just CRAZY!! There must and should be a limit to the cost of these plates but I guess that’s what you pay if you have money burning a great big hole in your pocket and you have more money than sense?? ;)

11 years ago


Haha ,yes there is a stupid trend all over the world for license plate numbers !!
I too wanted one for my ride but then later realized that it is just a waste of money. ?
Later bought a custom rig of it which was worth it !!!

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