New Hardware

10 years ago



have to update my hardware.

Starting with Mainboard and processor, later will also need new graphics card.

Main problem is there isnt unlimited money availiable. Only a young student.

newest part on my compuer is the power adapter: be quiet! CM BQT E9-CM Straight Power

Any suggestion?

I know my english isnt the best, like my hardware knowledge, but i hope it was understandable and anybody can help.




Trying to understand your issue the best I can bud. You know what hardware you need but you don’t have the funds? Here, this may help out a bit. Visit Cash Crate, it isn’t some bogus site. Skidhacker used this site to help get all of his gear and stuff, the screamer from an old band of mine, and I, used it as well. You simply sign up and take short surveys and get paid. The amount varies due to the survey. I made about $20 like three years ago when I was saving up for a network card that supported packet injection and amplifier.

10 years ago


its more the other way around: i saved my money for some time now(not enough to buy the newest high end stuff) but dont have a clue what hardware to buy so looking for ideas.


What exactly are you looking forward to getting?


I really reccomend continuing to save up the most and get the best you can get. Don’t sell your system short and get half fast equiptment. Make sure your gear is the best, exactly what you want, and exactly what you need. I am saving up for a $2,500 (1,525) laptop right now. Exciting to get something new but I’ll wait until I get what I want.

10 years ago


Pc for playing games. no need for best graphics, but lag free.

but also for audio/video rendering, etc.

10 years ago


my main problem is my Pc doesnt work anymore atm and i cant figure out why.


Hmmmm…. that sucks what are your systems stats? Also, how much are you willing to spend?

10 years ago


Cant find out system stats, but my computer is >4 yrs old.

thought about 300 for mainboard and processor.


To be honest, unless you have a good and worthy system that you’ve spent time building from ground up, save up for something good and brand new that you’d be proud of. Because, bolting on new stuff to old technology can tend to cause some issues and eventually other hardware will be worn out and that will have to be replaced, thus, causing more issues and money spent in the long run. If you have an older system keep it and use it until it dies, please, but also get something new that works to it’s full potential.

10 years ago


thats why i want to buy a complete new system step by step. now looking for mainboard and processor (+ RAM fiiting) after this a new Graphic card is needed. power adapter is quite new.

Max Lockhart [MaxLockhart]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


I would take a look into this system. Now I don’t do much gaming whatsoever so I have never had any need for alienware stuff but I have heard good things, and some hating. Intel Core i7 processing, it’s running Windows 7 64-bit (can be replaced, thank god it’s not 8), and 2 GB GDDR5. I honestly have no clue what that is. I think it’s memory specifically designed for graphical purposes or something. I would like to know the difference between RAM and what that is or how much ram is built into the system, if any. I am not the best when it comes to hardware but when it comes to it I get down to business, think about what I want and need for what I am doing, and do my homework. Alienware 14 is what we’re talking about here. The current version is Aw18. But anyways:

[quote=Wikipedia]GDDR5 SDRAM is a type of high performance DRAM graphics card memory designed for computer applications requiring high bandwidth.[/quote]

After some more research on “GDDR5” I did find this, nVidia Tesla K10. It’s quite a bit out of your desired price range but here’s the thing about this. This Graphics Card runs the same processing power as the PS4’s 8GB of GDDR5.

As far as video and audio rendering go, I am having trouble on thinking of a computer that may have a whole suite put together for all of this. I am thinking you are going to be doing some Hacking too obviously since you are on here. You may want to check this out as far as networking and hacking goes, let’s talk about these things.

You are going to need something that candle handle networks over a long range, that supports packet injection, ID spoofing, and is detachable as well as portable. Also make sure that in your operating system that you are running and using these interfaces.

Check these two things out:

First is the Alfa AWUS036NEH

Is supported by all versions of Windows and is recognized by the Kernel. Therefore if you’re using either Windows or Linux you won’t need to install any additional drivers and go through the trouble.

and also check out Netgear WG111v2

I think that both are good to have in hand and in your Ninja toolkit. Make sure that the os has your interfaces up:


for Linux

ipconfig /all
getmac /v -fo list

should list you wireless interfaces for Windows

Sound Cards, I get confused with all of the science behind music, all though I am a musician. So take a look here are some pretty top of the line Sound Cards.

Max Lockhart [MaxLockhart]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Okay, this dreaming but check these hard drives out:

Western Digital WD Black

Western Digital VelociRaptor

10 years ago


wow thanks alot dude!

ill have a look at the stuff :)

Max Lockhart [MaxLockhart]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


No problem, tell me how everything comes along or if there’s anything else or advice you need

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