I’m pretty photoshop savvy myself but I don’t have it anymore since I quit using windows like half a year ago. I need somebody who is really good with photoshop and wouldn’t mind working on something with me.
Designing is not my field although I could use Adobe Illustrator to manually draw a map. Sorry dude. :(
[deleted user] 10 years ago
| edited 10 years ago
I’ll help you if you like, I’ve done some digital media before. :) I like design too, what would you like me to do? Actually, I like just about anything tech related. :P
You and I are a lot alike then @Hybrid71 I like anything to do with tech and would like to learn everything– that has to do with technology. Except for cars. Don’t care too much about them lol They get me from point A to point B. Please PM me though. I’ll give details later because I have a date and am about to walk out the door.