Can anyone help me understand the hidden image?


Melkor [T.S.R]
11 years ago


Hello friends, so I have obviously discovered the hidden element in this task. I have also figured out how to decode it. My problem is the special character. Those of you who already solved this will understand what I am refering to. I can’t figure out that characters meaning and it is driving me mad. I have studied the other threads and read all the suggested guides etc. The people who have solved the task indicate that there is sufficient clues and hints in the previous threads to solve this however I am either overlooking something obvious or simply not seeing it. I’m not looking for the answer, just a point in the correct direction would be greatly appreciated.



There are more than a way to read the characters.

Melkor [T.S.R]
11 years ago


Is it possible to private message you? I don’t want to spoil the challenge for everyone else.


Crypt Level 6 has been heavily spoiled. I won’t give any further clue either so please try harder.

Melkor [T.S.R]
11 years ago


I do not see any clues to the special character in previous posts. 99% of the content is about finding the hidden image. With repect, telling me there is more than one way to read the characters does not actually help me. Obviously there is something I am failing to see/realize otherwise I would have solved the challenge. I assume I am going to get zero help on this one. Thank you for the speedy reply though.

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


[quote=T.S.R]99% of the content is about finding the hidden image.[/quote]
Then you didn’t read all the posts thoroughly.

11 years ago


Am i right in saying you have decoded the image already?

Melkor [T.S.R]
11 years ago


I’m trying to word my answers as to not give spoilers. I analysed the file and found a hidden image. After some minor adjustments I realised what I was seeing. 14 characters of which I have solved 12. The two special characters are what puzzle me. And again, I don’t want the answer, just a nudge in the right direction.

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Are those 2 special characters the same? They are like :), right?

Melkor [T.S.R]
11 years ago


freewind, if you feel I overlooked an obvious hint, please highlight that and post that to me since it is already out there to find. Quoting my words helps how many people?

Melkor [T.S.R]
11 years ago


Yes the character is the same.

11 years ago


Stretch the image longitudinally focusing on those “:)”

Melkor [T.S.R]
11 years ago


Did that before, I’m using wavepad by the way. The smiley seem to have 4 eyes and a mouth.

11 years ago


if you decode the other characters you ll decode the smileys either.
same “encoding” system used

Melkor [T.S.R]
11 years ago


Thanks Statey, but after some no bullshit straight advice from Zoino, I have that sorted, last stage to go before the challenge is complete.

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


[quote=T.S.R]no bullshit straight advice[/quote]

I suppose the bullshit advice came from me. You will need that bullshit to complete the last stage, lol.

Melkor [T.S.R]
11 years ago


Freewind I made no mention of you in that post, I was refering to cryptic advice that neither helps nor encourages people. Zoino asked me precisely what my problem was and his advice helped. He has not given me an answer or solved the puzzle for me. Also my question was not related to the last stage of decoding. I would like to learn at my own speed if that is ok. I thanked you for you speedy reply, but you did reject an offer of a private message, so there would be no way to clarify with you what I needed clarifying without spoiling the challenge for everybody else. People don’t come to this site to argue, and I don’t have a problem with you. The bullshit comment you quoted was refering to other private messages I received.

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