Default Admin Account
I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this but here is my question
I had two active accounts on my laptop
[] The default admin account
[] A user account (non-admin)
So I was playing arround with the cmd and typed in
net user administrator /active:no
I was expecting that this would fail as it is impossible to have a computer run without any admin accounts but to my suprise it was successful. Now i am stuck with a computer without any admin accounts and thus it is impossible to do simpe tasks such as instaling softwares
How can I re-activate the default admin account as I have read that I need an admin account do so?
11 years ago
Wouldn’t it be the same way you deactivated it. Using command
net user administrator /active:yes
Oh and btw can you provide the windows version you are using.
Also try and right click cmd and click on run as administrator and if it opens as administrator then try the above command to check if the account is reactivated.
@IAmDevil, most solutions on google require an admin account
But i’ll try again
@tlotr, net user administrator /active:yes gives me an ‘access denied’ message
When i try to open cmd in admin mode i get a pop up widow appears that says ‘Type in admin password and click yes to continue’ , but the yes button is grayed out and there is no password box.
Windows 8.1

I’m just saying this as a possibility, not sure if I’m actually right: since it’s Win 8.1 (so pretty recent), what you did might be a bug. In which case, you’re screwed. You could try emailing Microsoft about this. They should be able to help you, and if it’s a bug, they’d be glad you mailed them (if it’s a bug, most likely solution would be reinstallation of the OS) :P
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Hey belowaveragenoob try this:
Use the Local Users and Groups MMC console
Change the properties of the Administrator account by using the Local Users and Groups Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
Open the MMC console and select Local Users and Groups.
Right-click the Administrator account and select Properties.
The Administrator Properties window appears.
On the General tab, clear the Account is Disabled check box.
Close the MMC console.
Administrator access is now enabled.

just tested in my VM and it looks like utilman.exe trick works on win8 exactly like in win7
boot using a linux live cd, go to windows/system32 folder rename utilman.exe to utilman.bkp and make a copy of cmd.exe named utilman.exe
reboot to windows, at the login screen press win+u, this will give you a cmd with system level, use it to re-enable your admin and you’re good to go.
hope i helps
11 years ago
belowaveragenoob: let us know if the above method suggested by jnpa works for you or not.
jnpa +1 for providing this solution.

Yeah, i agree with @tlotr : Good job, @jnpa !
I do still think it’s a bug, though…you should mail MS even if the suggested method works (@ @belowaveragenoob ):)
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belowaveragenoob: let us know if the above method suggested by jnpa works for you or not
Sorry. I have not been online for the whole day, so I’m seeing the idea from @jnpa right now. I will try It then get back with the results
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago
I would have used Power Suite rather than use a linux live cd. But that’s just my preference. Not checked out jnpa’s method but it looks good to me. I’m sure it will work. Windows 7 and Windows 8 are very much alike. 8 is just reworked 7 and that was just a chopped up vista. Real lazy programmers at Microsoft, dirty too because the don’t rewrite a program with a bug in it they just patch it. Anyway nice one for that jnpa. :)
P.S. The windows 8.1 has only changed from 8 with the reintroduction of the start button and some coding changes and you start on the desktop and if you click the new start button it takes you onto the tiled icons but it’s near enough exactly like windows 8. You can see the 8.1 screens on a russian site I was looking at a short time ago : WOZR.NET
English Translation of WOZR.NET site! :)
Microsoft partners got another test version of the assembly Windows 8.1 2014 Update
January 30th, 4:07
This week, the partners of Microsoft once again got a new assembly test version of Windows 8.1 in 2014 Update: 9600.16606.WINBLUES14_GDR_LEAN.140126- 2042 , see screenshots below , and while some of what details.
Just the other day we had a “ telepathic communication seanc ” with Steve Ballmer (Stive Ballmer) during which he shared with us information about what is new is introduced with the release of Windows 8.1 in 2014 Update.
At this time, we are busy “ decoding ” of the message , and soon all will acquaint with basic innovations and corrections that will be made in the course of work on Windows 8.1 2014 Update.
And so , returning to the new assembly : 9600.16606.WINBLUES14_GDR_LEAN.140126- 2042 .
The main thing in this build , and that immediately catches the eye , is that , immediately after installing and loading it , we find ourselves on the desktop (Desktop) PC and not on a tiled interface Modern UI (Metro) as it was ever before , with now being on the desktop and clicking “Start ” (Start) , we find ourselves on a tiled Modern UI., ie everything is now done with precision to turn … it’s something … :-)
Also added to the initial screen Modern UI “ button Power Management ” (Power control), it is probably done to reduce the burden on the user’s brain .
However, not myshkobludtsev brains will continue to boil , since finger - tykov and happy owners of Screens less than eight and a half inches , this button is not available , so you do not accidentally turn off your Tyko - device.
And made ??some other improvements associated with navigation in the system using the traditional management tools ie OS with a mouse. All this as a kind of achievement separate message emphasizes partners Microsoft.
Of the new features, we note the following: added support for 250-500% of full scale desktop (desktop scaling) and desktop applications.
Default is 250% scaling is set with higher resolution monitors, at least dating back to 1800 vertical lines, such as to resolve 3200x1800 13,3 “:
Yes that worked. I never thought it would feel so good to just log in to an admin account
Thanks @jnpa

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

@belowaveragenoob: Then how about closing this thread?

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- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D