11 years ago
You are on the right track.
1=1 is only used when you don’t know the username or any value but in this case you know it.

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
11 years ago
Does it say username?

@fear-15: As someone mentioned before, please complete SQLi levels first to learn how to inject. You can’t complete it without knowing the right syntax.
You were like “Let me inject it! Let me inject it! Right syntax and logical operators? Who cares!”. We want to help, but we can’t help someone who haven’t known the basic (of this level) from the start.

Then you really know nothing about XML and XPath query. Please try to make a proper XPath query first. You can’t hack anything if you don’t know how it works.
This thread is long enough.

This is my last post in this thread. As I said: Please complete SQLi levels first! They are easier than Intermediate Level 6. When you get used to injecting, come back. You will see what you are wrong now. ;)
There’s no need to complete all levels in order. Did your math teacher not say: “Solve the easier exercises first!”?