whenever you access the internet, you have a software acting on your behalf, and that is your user agent(e.g. when you use chrome, your user agent is chrome, when you an Iphone 4s, there’s a user agent for that), so for this level your current user agent is not correct, and tou have to try to change it to the correct one. Hope that helped clear things up.

We’ll dig in to the source too as some really important info may be lying there! (search for something secure) :)
Also try seeing other threads of this level, might help you.
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

@Bartabat2b: There are so many theads that we don’t even bother to answer.

Well people don’t seem to understand or maybe they don’t know. Anyways whatever the reason may be I post ‘cus I like to do it.(and also to increase my post count ^^)
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

I think from memory to complete this level I just found >> an addon for chrome that helped me change the required thing :p
Yeah I love helping people, you can learn from it too, like posting or looking at posts and then doing a bit of research sometimes to help get a better understanding of it; plus you get a good feeling for helping :3
11 years ago
Try using the Opera browser for this level as it makes it so simple you will kick yourself.

Hmm… so apparently you don’t need an addon for some of the browsers, you can do it in the browsers themselves. Something I probably should have checked before talking :/
@IAmDevil my thoughts are that maybe Opera has an easier way to do it in browser maybe? I don’t have it installed on my computer or even use it so I don’t know, but just a thought..?

Yeah that’s what I was saying, I didn’t think twice about actually using the developer tools when I first did this I just went out eagerly and got an add-on. Then after I realized you didn’t need an add-on at all and could just use the developer tools inbuilt into the browser.

Yes its the same story with me as well. I too completed this level first by using a addon but later saw that a browser can make a difference!!
So more than one way to complete this level. ?
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

There are a bunch of ways to solve this level if someone has ever googled about it. Stop asking because you don’t know how to google something properly.

@freewind1012 I think that’s the case with most of the easier levels; most of the information you need to use to put together a search on what to do, you can find in the hint or even description and can just go from there.

@mamanmamiii: You can ask @fkpuzat or @lucki58300 if you need helps. They are French and have the amount of knowledge to explain this problem.

An idea.
I think there should be a seperate place on the profile of a user which will tell that a particular user knows or speaks what all languages. So if its a French buddy looking for a French speaking guy for help he can easily look at the profiles and choose with whom he can talk to! ?
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
That’s a great idea IAmDevil, even though very little would find it useful, it would make an impact on enough to make a difference. You should make a separate forum thread or ask flabby about it

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D