I’d tell you all the exact same stuff, but also make sure to practice it and get a good understand of how to think on your own. Until I just started randomly creating things with JS it didn’t stick as well. Been using Javascript for about 2-3 months now and am pretty fluent and 4/5 of the time, I can answer my own questions.
Yes I too advise Codecademy. Great site, great UI, also with easy-to-understand exercises with very clear explanations! ?
[deleted user] 10 years ago
Hey Hejsa123 - kamzhik & freewind1012 as well as IAmDevil have all mentioned great sites to learn a variety of programming languages. Just make you choice as they are all good.
The one I like best is the Codecademy Site one. Very simple and good clear instructions. But you make your choice for what one is best for you. Nice to see someone who wants to learn and not just wanting answers to the levels.
Haha lol @ANONRA . Yeah it comes with a good feeling about the user that he/she actually has a goal in front of him/her-self and has the will and patience to learn each and every aspect clearly instead of just coming here and crying/begging for answers. ?
Hope you will enjoy your time here at HT @hejsa123 .
I also think that codecademy is the best place to learn Javascript it’s where I learned Javascript and I highly recommend it for anyone interested in any programming language.