The WiFi Pineapple Mark V
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago
Hi Guys, here is something real new to this website as well as it being new to me as I just received this product through the week and only now reall had a chance to use it. It is of course the Wifi Pineapple V
This litle box of the WiFi Pineapple Mark V is the latest generation wireless network auditing tool from Hak5. There is so much in it. In fact I hacked my next doors Wifi just as a test using certain tools and the WiFi Pineapple Mark V. Hey I was in, in less that ten minutes. Oh and I didn’t alter anything from my next doors Wifi connection. They are on Virgin and I’m on TalkTalk so I left their stuff in tact.
With its custom, purpose built hardware and software, the WiFi Pineapple enables users to quickly and easily deploy advanced attacks using the intuitive web interface.
Hak5 focuses on making it easily accessible and affordable. Also it is a infinitely expandable wireless hacking tool. WiFi Pineapple started around 2008 and has been serving penetration testers, law enforcement, military and government with a versatile wireless auditing platform for almost any deployment scenario.
It is great with its custom, purpose built hardware and software, it enabled me to quickly and easily deploy my advanced attack on next door by using its intuitive web interface. From a man-in-the-middle hot-spot honeypot to an out-of-band pentest pivot box, it is unmatched in performance.
Like I said, I am still trying to get to grips with all its features. From its Karma feature I use to get into next door Wifi and all the other infusions there is. Check out INFUSIONS HERE Another good place to start with your new Pineapple is HERE WITH SCOTT HELME
I know a lot of you guys will not be able to afford the wifi pinapple mark V right now but if you want something for your Birthday from your parents ask them to get you one of these. They are only $99.99 US Dollers and 60.62p UK Pounds. 60 of great fun and what a time passer. An hour felt more like 10 minutes.
Right I am off to try out some more shit on this. Will let you know how I get on more later… Have a great weekend and Happy Hacking!! :)

How has no one replied to this! It’s awesome!! Have you been using it much? Anything else to add to your experience?
I have been interested in getting one of these for a while but never got round to it.
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago
Hi Mate, One thing I will say, don’t wait, get one! As to the no replies, I don’t think they have replied at all because they haven’t a clue what I am talking about. :) It is awesome and there is so much I have to learn from it. It just can do so much. There is data called infusions, these are mostly php files and you can create your own infusions in php so the wifi pineapple will run them for you. It have a lot of its own built in hacks too.
There are two aerials one is a RTL8181 radio and the other is a AR9331 Radio. This means, as you know that your can spoof people in a wifi cafe into thinking the have to log in to the Cafe’s free wifi system except they are going through your pineapple to join the wifi and that way you can get all their details, passwords, usernames and all they are doing on the network. Even if they login to another site or even their….. well I won’t say too muck on here.
I am still learning about everything it can do and it is mind blowing. There is so much to take in. Support for over 300 USB Mobile Broadband modems for out-of-band tunneling, pivoting and remote access.
Support for tunneling over SSH and VPN, passive monitor modes with intelligence logging, mesh networking capabilities.
I could go on and on but there is still more I have to learn. :)
I haven’t replied at all today because I have been dealing with bullshit all day. I made a post about this a while back and want to get one. I’m not too excited on the web interface but I always tinker and fix things up how I’m most comfortable. I have to get off right now and have plenty more I want to say later on. Let’s just say if I didn’t have all of these financial issues and fucking car problems I would have done purchased one already. Feel hopeless and going b for a minute. Anywho, I’ll reply more later.
Hey ANONRA sound great but not sure if I could do it justice my friend. Nice post too thanks for the insight.
10 years ago
Hi Trinity, I’m not too sure if I will either Trinity. Just learning it myself. But Thanks!

Ah these, I was going to get one awhile back but I never got around to it. I might have to look into getting one sometime soon, I’d love to stuff around with one and have a play. From what I’ve researched about the mark IV when I went to get one they’re a great tool and are just awesome fun, and the mark V is better again from what I’ve heard. Might have to get my ass into gear and get one soon.

Hi Guys, I have been on a IRC with ANONRA and he explained that this Wifi Pineapple V is awesome. Not just the item itself but what you can make it do. You can even write your own PHP inclusions and make it do exactly what you want. I know it might be above me but I am now thinking of getting one.
Hey Kapuccino what country are you in dude that you can’t get a Pineapple??
Thanks ANONRA for you insight into the Pineapple V……
10 years ago
Hello there, heck some of you people are up early… Hi Trinity, esprocSeVeN, Kapuccino, Nighttshad3, Abbi_hacker and all you other early birds. Well I have just finished work and now (I know it is only 09.30 and my work for the day is done. That’s what you get when you work for yourself. ) onto the WiFi Pineapple V. Today I am going to hook it up with Kali-Linux and see how it works together. I got the kali-linux-1.0.6-amd64 version as in the 64bit OS I can use all 8GB of RAM. In a 32bit machine I would be restricted to 4GB of RAM.
So I am offline for a bit until I get the two married up. Catch you later guys. :)
Hi IAmDevil I’m good thanks how are you?? Real good stuff this WiFi Pineapple, do you think I would be alright using one? Not too sure if it will be too hard for me but ANONRA said if I get one he will help me all he can.
10 years ago
Hi IAmDevil, sorry mate I was in a rush to get the Pineapple and Kali-Linux together and was just going off when I saw your post. Slapped wrist! Ouch!! Sorry!! lol Have a great day, EVERYONE, even our n00bs. We all had to learn at one point, so - HAPPY HACKING. :)

I’m seriously thinking of getting one of these soon, the more I find out about these the more I want one :p

10 years ago
It would be a very simple project to insert it into your portable ammo-case project Nighttshad3 as there are only four screws under the Pineapple V holding it in its care. You would need to remove it from it case as it would get too hot in the enclosed space and need a bit more air circulation. You will also need to move the antennas. After all the Pineapple V has a lot of pentest packages it can use, including aircrack-ng, dsniff, easy-creds, ettercap, hping3, httptunnel, karma, kismet, macchanger, mdk3, ngrep, nmap, nodogsplash captive portal, privoxy, ptunnel, snort, sslsniff, sslstrip, ssltunnel, stunnel, tcpdump, tor, and reaver.
You can write your own infusions which are mostly in PHP and there is also, over the air downloads of infusions which will add web-based capabilities with one-click updates. I’ve not had a lot of time to use the Wifi Pineapple V I bout a short while ago because of work, (been real busy) right as I am still at work I had better close and get on with fixing this network faults. Have a good day and I will keep you informed with my Wifi Pineapple episodes. :) :)

Well I’ve got a really small netbook which when I take all the bits i will need out it takes up like no room. So I could just make a little hacking computer system in a box :)

@Trinity: I am from a tropical country so I can easily find pineapples here. However, that pineapple is not easy. :p