A suggestion for clearing the language barriers!

Hey guys,
As we see that there are a lot of people who need help or guidance for a particular level or topic. And as we all know the HT! community is always ready for help. But a problem often seems to creep in, yes ya’ll are right! The language.
So to clear things up here’s a simple idea. A particular section on a user’s profile should be present which will show what all languages he knows or languages which he/she can interprete in. So for example: if a French speaking guy needs help for a particular level he can check out for users which speak french and decide with whom he/she can talk with! I think this will have the necessary impact on the forums and will make giving answers easier without using GoogleTranslate! ?
Guys feel free to post in all your view and hope ya’ll have a great Sunday. ?
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

It even becomes better if the languages are displayed on the left column (<<< with the profile) of a post. When you arrive to the forum, you need to know which languages someone fluently speaks and voil a flag icon is waiting there.
11 years ago
Great Ideas for both posts above, and I guess @flabbyrabbit can easily add a “Write your speaking languages” button on the to-do list :)

That’s a great idea from both of you. It would probably clear up the confusion in the forums in the process.

Haha yes @freewind1012 nice addition there!
Now its @flabbyrabbit ’s choice weather he adds the feature or not! ?
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

Nice ideas, @freewind1012’s idea of showing spoken language in the left column is a great one! I will certainly look into this.
As a side note there is already work being done to make the site as a whole more friendly for non-english speaking users, as they make up a large percentage of our members. These suggestions will certainly help towards this.

All the problem stands in the forum and the articles where english is used. After all, there is no french version for html. However, the idea seems nice. Looking forward to it.

Haha ideas flying hither and thither! Hope the feature gets implemented soon! ?
And btw love the “Online users” addition. ?
- @IAmDevil
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So guys should I close this thread or anyone else wants to throw in some more ideas?
I’ll keep it open for a couple more days. ?
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

Hmm.. you could possibly have a language section in the forum for discussion on the levels or what not, just for non english speaking users who need help on things?

Or we can just have a Language Translation feature besides the Flag post button. Like if a post is in German then a dropdown menu to select which language the user wants to see the post in. Just click and instantly convert the post in the desired language. ?
- @IAmDevil
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enigmagroup.org has got mentoring. something like this might help either.

Ya i don’t know. It just clicked me! Hope this might be a good idea! And also may be a project or a monthly challenge or something!
What do you think @flabbyrabbit ?
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

I vote for the idea of the multi-languages HackThis!! but please don’t be Google Translate or any automated translator. :/

Naa @freewind1012 . Just an idea to ease up the translation process. But the first one’s the best!
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

11 years ago
I like @freewind1012 idea of having multi language. Although having an inbuilt translator feature in the forum will be also good.

What I think is that the second idea of having an in built translator , cause then anyone can reply to the queries posted by someone in a different language !!

11 years ago
<meta name="google-translate-customization" content="446edc89d715c2fa-e0e9aa82b29b5f43-gd433af869d682ff2-12"></meta>
<div id="google_translate_element"></div><script type="text/javascript">
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en', includedLanguages: 'ar,de,es,fr,zh-CN,zh-TW', layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE}, 'google_translate_element');
</script><script type="text/javascript" src="//translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=googleTranslateElementInit"></script>
11 years ago
The above code works. I’ve just tested it with a normal html page which I created and used the translator to translate the page in different language. Is there a way that this can be implemented in HT!!.

The other thing we could do is make the whole page translate to different languages by having a language button implemented somewhere in the site? Rather than just the forums and posts just translate the whole site.
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago
The post I put up is a button that will change it all. But don’t forget, HTML is written in English.
P.S. Before you try to use it on your local machine in a html program you have written, it won’t work as it will only work on online websites. Okay? Here check it out on my websites forum see what you think: MyGovan Forum
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago
Thank you nighttshad3 kind of you to say so! :)
Right I’m off to bed, work in the morning. Night all!! :)

Anytime :) Do you think we could make our own ht version possibly though? That way we can use our own button that suits the site a lot more. What do you guys think?
And night @ANONRA

Hey guys…..the question regarding the translation is that what are we focusing upon….I mean what do we have in mind….the translation of the whole site or just the translation of the posts ??
11 years ago
I think the translation of the whole website would be much better.

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

- @IAmDevil
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I think the part with the flags next to the user data in the forum is a great idea. Also, a built-in translator might help. But i suppose mentoring is a bit more efficient, assuming people have the time to reply
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Ahh yes @Fireshard . Maybe we should keep a poll or something to give votes to the best feature and hence will be implemented. ?
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

Okay i try to explain it :D
if i can understand english i can understand the website and the posts (as you talked about only translating the posts)
if i cant understand english i cant understand the website and the posts. if you now only translate the posts, somebody will understand the posts but not the website. i was now asking why should somebody be interested in understanding the posts but not the website?
better to understand?

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

Why do we need a built-in translator in website when we already have a built-in translator in browser?
Mentoring is more personal and it should be more effective. Say, if a French guy arrives to HackThis!! and he has a question about User Agent, then he should look for an active user with a French flag icon.

But…what I think is that the main problem we face is to understand foreign language in which someone who doesn’t know english posts his problem….and so our attempt should be to help ourself to understand the guy with the problem and him , to understand our language…..and so , I guess , a in built posts translator is apt for the scene !! :)

@IAmDevil I think we should convert the whole site rather than just the posts. 2 reasons for this, 1 because its easier and 2 because its more effective to do the whole site than just the posts as there’s not really a point if they cant navigate to the posts in the first place.
@freewind1012 we could still do the mentoring idea as well. Honestly I think they could both work.
Also keep in mind translating the site will include the forum posts, also we could make it that people can write posts in there native language and people can read it in there native language without having to press buttons all the time. Just have a built in feature that translates any bit of foreign language into your native language such as English. If that makes sense…

Yeah as i said a poll will definitely clarify things! It will also tell us what all the Hackthis community wants. ?
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

There are two problems as I see it, firstly is foreign language users coming to the site and being put of due to it not being in their language. This would be solved by translating the entire core site e.g. everything but the forums and comments. I don’t think it should be possible for the forum posts to be translated as this would encourage users to post in foreign languages.
The second problem is foreign speaking users posting in the forum and having their posts deleted and spammed but English users telling them to post in English. I believe that these posts should be allowed but limited to one language per thread e.g. a thread will be marked as French and only French posts should be allowed. This keeps both the forum clean while allowing everyone to live happily together. These forum threads will be filtered based on a members language preferences. Each user will set which languages they can speak and the forum will filter out all other content.
In summary, the site will be translated manually into as many languages as we can find members willing to help. Secondly forum threads can be non-English but limited to one language per thread and marked as that language.

Actually that’s a good point, I think having the second problems solution would probably work well enough on its own. I’m going to be assuming that’s what you were saying is going to happen anyway, but either way its a great idea.

Ahh @flabbyrabbit gave one solution for many questions! ? Hope to see the new feature soon.
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

It is something I have been thinking about for a little while. Whenever I see a non-English post and have to delete it I feel there should be a better solution that just ignoring half the user base.
I have spoken to a couple of people already but I would like to take this opportunity to ask if anyone else would be interested in helping translate the site. If so can you PM me what languages you could help with that would be awesome.

Unless there’s a deadline to this translation, I am will to help at my own pace. I’m gonna PM you now.
Still, the mentoring thing should still stick, i think.
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- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D