Crypt Level 7


10 years ago


I’m struggling to start the level after days of thought..
Have been trying to replace the four hex values from the file.
Have treated the numbers as decimal, as hex, tried dozens of different ideas..
Am I on completely the wrong track?

[deleted user]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Don’t over think the level mate. It is not easy, there is nothing you can see that is not useful from the two links and the hint too. There is some interesting things hidden from plain sight. Good luck. :)

10 years ago


Should I treat the row length as 16?
Is replacing values completely wrong?


@PinkRat: You may want to complete Coding Levels or Real Levels first. Crypt Level 7 can’t be solved without “a piece of insight”.

10 years ago


Ok. Recently found the site. Have breezed through other levels. Hit brick wall at Crypt 7..


We all DID hit that brick wall. There are about 15 people who have completed Crypt Level 7. And take a look at Crypt Level 7 discussion thread: 4 closed threads!

All I can say is “Good luck to you!”.

10 years ago


Ok. Thanks for replies. Back to thinking….

Mystery [kapuccino]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Hi @Pinkrat

As you can see from my profile, Crypt 7 is the last fortress to conquer. From my point of view, the level is the toughest on HT!! at this moment. I achieved about 50% and was able to understand what they had said in another threads. However I was stuck right there. I am waiting for you because if I can solve that much, you can too!

@freewind1012: What do you mean “a piece of insight”?

[deleted user]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Yeah mate freewind is correct read through all the threads and believe me there is a lot as well as a lot of crap in them. So take your time, all the answers are there but you need to know what your are looking for and what things might be. Like I said what you are looking for it hidden from sight and all the clues lead you on and on to the next one and it will drive up the wall but worth the trouble in the end. Keeper made a good job of the level. Good luck, you’ll need it! :)

Freewinds insight is only gained through time spent on this site and understanding how its members like Flabbyrabbit, or Keeper might think.

10 years ago


Will we know the password as soon as we decode it? Or is it one of those random-character passwords?

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


@kapuccino: To be honest, that is still the mystery to me. LOL. :p
@qwerert: You will realize the password of this level as soon as you decode it right. If you still have no idea or not sure, then it is not the password which you are looking for.

[deleted user]
10 years ago


Hi All,

Check Crypt 1 use that logic over here for the first part. As soon as you are done with the first part you will reach a website with a pic. Do a research on the pic and you will find something that will help you in the next part of the quest eventually getting you to the answer.

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Well there is one thread which i think has all the hints necessary. But when it comes to the password, everyone faced the same problem! :p

[deleted user]
10 years ago


Yes @IAmDevil you are right to find the key is where I think everyone faced the problem.

Anyone who has already completed this level and have actually find the key somewhere request you to please PM me. I would really like to know from where you find the key.

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


I think we should leave this thread like this because no one has done any progress to the ultimate solution. :p

@tlotr: There’s another way to reach to the password, you know that.

10 years ago


Hey but shouldn’t we know the exact location @freewind1012 ? It keeps bugging me! :p

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


For someone who has completed Crypt Level 7, everything is still the same. Seems that no one figured out how it was like that, except @flabbyrabbit and @Keeper .

For someone who hasn’t completed the level yet, there’s another way to do that. How? Be curious!

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


I don’t think the key is hidden anywhere. It’s meant to be cracked. My problem is that I can’t be completely sure if I have the right ciphertext.

[deleted user]
10 years ago


@freewind1012 : I do not know another way to get the password.

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


@tlotr: Ironically, yes you do.

[deleted user]
10 years ago


@freewind1012 : Would you please PM me and let me know the another way to get the password.

The way I got the password was by fiddling with the cipher text.

10 years ago


[Quote=“tlotr”] The way I got the password was by fiddling with the cipher text. [/quote]


[deleted user]
10 years ago


@qwerert : Have you got the cipher text? Do you know which Cipher method to be used to decrypt the Cipher Text? If you know both then PM me.

10 years ago


Well i think @freewind1012 was also talking about the same method which we all used @tlotr .
So far i only know how to derive the password. ?

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


[quote=*le me]For someone who has completed Crypt Level 7, everything is still the same. Seems that no one figured out how it was like that, except flabbyrabbit and Keeper.

For someone who hasn’t completed the level yet, there’s another way to do that. How? Be curious![/quote]

@IAmDevil: I actually meant another way to complete this level for newbies.

[deleted user]
10 years ago


Well flabbyrabbit and Keeper would know how to do it exactly, keeper wrote the level and flabby has to approve it.

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


That was difficult.

Tlotr, what you did was decrypt the ciphertext. :P

10 years ago


Well that’s the tricky part there. Its like making Something from Nothing. ?

[deleted user]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Password is ten chars

Pawda [Memoria]
10 years ago


The hint was quite clear by saying “substituting”.. I’m not sure what you’re all talking about with other ways to find the password. There is always another way, some are easier or more straightforward than others but still :p

[deleted user]
10 years ago


Hi @Memoria

What do you mean by Substituting? Substituting what exactly?

Pawda [Memoria]
10 years ago


I can’t find another word to describe, this is just fitting perfectly to the last step of the level for me.

Reply has been removed
10 years ago


Haha or maybe there’s only one way to do it, i.e. by substitution !

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Substitution, we all know that. But it comes to the core question: How the hell did we know the length of the key? Any hint / tip from the level or the files? No!

Did all of you brute-force the key without knowing the length?

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


You shouldn’t need the length of the key key to brute force it. Most programs allow you to brute force the key without knowing the length. However, the programs were giving me nonsense and the tip functions weren’t working, so I had to try a different approach.

[deleted user]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Okay guys, you wanted to know how to find the key length to an encrypted text?
In most cryptographic functions, the length of the key is important and is one of the security parameter. Check out this website, it might help you. KEY LENGTH

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


To anyone who have completed Crypt Level 7: Let’s say this in a bigger scale.

1/ How did you know the length of a key?
Is there any tip / hint from the level, the files or any article? Or did you read it somewhere and assume that the length must be right?

2/ What if several characters were not something familiar or they were not there?
“Several characters” (you know what I am talking about, right?) are the most important clue to say if you are in the right track. What if that string wasn’t there? If it wasn’t there, the key would be iamgood or iambad or whatever, right?

10 years ago


Freewind, what exactly are you referring to?

I got a bit lucky by working backwards. I tried encrypting what I thought would be part of the decrypted text and got the password. I’m not completely sure what you guys are referring to.

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


2 replies have been removed
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Guess I should have pm’d you. :p


If there was no “part”, it would be almost impossible to solve.

[deleted user]
10 years ago


I think everybody did the same thing. They tried to figure out the part of the cipher text and while doing so they found out the key and then they passed the level.

10 years ago


If we add up all the pages for crypt level 7, we almost have as much as crypt 6!

[deleted user]
10 years ago


Yes @qwerert you are right. I would request @Pinkrat to close this thread now. There are lot of hints provided on this thread with which you and anyone else can complete this level.

10 years ago


Sorry… been away on my real job.. Thread about to close. Thanks to all.

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