You don't actually need to download a plugin

12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


You don’t need to download a plugin to complete this level.

All you have to do is open up the “search” page, then modify the form so that it sends a score to the page that is higher than the score you need.

12 years ago


True that, “but what parameters to send” is the question..

12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


All you need to do is go to
then inspect the search bar element.>> Once you’ve done that, if you’re using google chrome, you just have to double click “action”, then change /search.php to /levels/b3.php

After you’ve done that you just double click on “name”, and change it from q to [removed]. Once you’ve done this you just have to exit the element editor and click on the search bar. Type in a number that is higher than the score you need to unlock the level, then press search. It will automatically redirect you to the correct page and tell you that you have completed the level.

Anyway, that’s how I completed the level.

Edit: removed small part, was too near of a full answer…

Peter [verath]
12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


I think most people would consider the web developer tools an addon (even though it comes included from the start). But there are definitely ways to beat this level without any addon, it’s just harder.

12 years ago


Just need some expanded details mates…. I’m trying to do without tools……


@stevo_jay can you use that method ??? -_-


@bullghost0 you might wanna try stevo_jay way.. but if you do not succeed , i recommended you to use tool/addon to complete this level :)

12 years ago


Roger that… ! :D


soo do you complete the level using stevo_jay method ?

12 years ago


Sorry guys. I left out a really important part that you have to do.

When you are changing the “action” and the “name”, you also have to change the “method”. Do this by double clicking “method”, when you are inspecting the element. Change the method from GET to POST. This is really important for completeing the level, and this method is also used in the “Intermediate” levels.

Really sorry guys for that mistake.

I hope this post clears up how to complete the level without downloading any addons.

I’ve just tested it again and it works, so it’s fine to use this method.

12 years ago


@mettempik: I just done it…… with the post of Stevo_jay………. Thanks mates..


hahaha yup… all credit goes to @stevo_jay

12 years ago


i steel cant do this


why you cant do this level ? i think what stevo_jay told us is very simple steps you know…. or just refer to other post using add-ons

12 years ago


i’ve tried everything add ons and the method that stevo_jay sayed but nothing is working for me :‘(


what ? i think i just do it just fine


maybe it is just because it has been edit . just do with add ons then

12 years ago


ok lii try everything i can :)


can pm me for a very close hint but no spoilers

Thomas [25thomasoooo]
12 years ago


i did what Stevo_Jay said and i did every thing and it took me to the page, thats all that happen it said up the top that it was incomplete, please HELP!

12 years ago | edited 11 years ago


It worked , you just need to change the name from q to [removed]. Thanks Stevo_Jay :)

Admin: removed spoiler

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


please dont post spoilers

11 years ago


I can’t make It i’m using FireFox

Honey Boo Boo [Ski900]
11 years ago


@alwazir, don’t tell people how to do it. That defeats the purpose of the site. Thanks

11 years ago


may be i’ve done all the thing, i just find out the search page, then inspect element of search box and do change in “action” and “name”, but still i dont get it. Plz help anyone…………

[deleted user]
11 years ago


@akaBlackSun : You can add on live httpd header, tamper data or tool proxy such as burp suite.

11 years ago


but i dont know how to use this tool, i have already add on this tool

Pawda [Memoria]
11 years ago


Then you should read this: link

11 years ago


change the name to ??? akaBlackSun

11 years ago


@emkuga, try to guess it with some info you’ve got from source code.

11 years ago


i have just passed it, thank you

Skip [Sirskip]
11 years ago


I tried doing this with google chrome, my issue is with the name, I changed from q to the only other name value i saw in source code. I tried movie but it didnt work :/ im lost. Am I looking in the wrong place?

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


In this case, beside the name attribute you’ve changed, the rest is we just have to take a look at these form’s attribute (action and method). May this hint will help you quite a lot :)

11 years ago


Or you can do it the easy way and use Cheat Engine:

Go onto cheat engine > Select the process you need > Change “4 bytes” to “array of bytes” > Search for “96 0c 00 00 73 63 6f 72 65 00 07 48 ab 01 00” > Change to both to 96 0c 00 00 73 63 6f 72 65 00 07 0f 67 2f 00 > Freeze the address' > Tahdah!

Pawda [Memoria]
11 years ago


Or you can do it the easy way and use Cheat Engine
Everyone has his conception of what is an easy way I guess.

11 years ago


Yeah I suppose :)

11 years ago


Hello all, im stuck on this lvl. By reading serveral post, i can conclude i should change method, action and name. I do know about action and method, but i have no idead what i plot in instead of “q” in name. Is it possible, that anyone could point me in the right direction?

Alice [SycamoreRex]
11 years ago


the name is what you want to send to the adress ( /levels/b3.php ). So just think - what do you need to complete the level? A …

11 years ago


I didn’t get that [removed] meant figure out the answer! lol i’ve been stuck on this for awhile. thank you for clarifying sycamorerex. This is my first time really exploring things with computers so…details like that seem simple but totally screw me. -.-

11 years ago


i try what stevo_jay method but still no luck for me.
im using chrome..

11 years ago


Ok now look at this.

You need to play only with that. I’ll help you jarween (and others). What is underlined, must NOT change.

Then, do what Stevo_jay said. You have to do something with this ‘'q’‘… Read up this quote… It’s simple… I’m dumb, cause I’ve put the 'name’ in plurial… .‘’'

[quote=‘SycamoreRex ’]the name is what you want to send to the adress ( /levels/b3.php ). So just think - what do you need to complete the level? A …[/quote]

11 years ago


THANKS NUTZ!!!!!! :) your right its very simple. thanks buddy..

11 years ago


Hey all, loving this site, started last night and did lvl’s main 1-10 (started at top and working down), started with less knowlage than basic so used the youtube link for main 1-3, which gave me the train of thought to compleate the rest (aka: not the dumbest, but very much noob - have always had a interest in this kinda of thing but never try’d it before)
Iv got to this section and now been stuck on it for a whilst and decided to use Stevo_Jay directions, i know a few ppl have had issues which theve seem’d to solve reasonably easly, iv followed his instructions (in both his comments) and even had a little play with own idea’s but i dont seem to be getting anywhere - i refuse to use any add-ons as i dont see the need for a program to do what i know can be done manualy, but im at stage where im getting stuck, my question is this, is anyone available to help? obv i dont want the answer on a plate, just someone that can help me by going over what im doing and pointing me to the area im ‘overlooking?’

11 years ago


Kurtz, 5 things to do go to search, change; form method, action, and name, then enter right number in where Stevo_Jay says. Note using Firefox/TamperData is easier and needed in the future, but this method is sweet! Keep trying till you get it right.

11 years ago


cheers guuf, spent a few more hours trying the search bar to get no-where so bit the bullet and used firefox/tamperdata, work’d 1st try, figured might as well learn about it if im gona be needing it in future (even if i see it as cheating…lol) tnxagain m8

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Hi all, I’m stuck here … :(
I’m using method “Cheat Engine” like others said on the post on top.
But, I still can’t figure out about “changing ‘q’ into ‘ something’”
Anyone, can you give me another hint about that, please?

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Hi deMatrix,

Use tamper data in Mozilla Firefox its much better and easier.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I didn’t get a compatible version of tamper data for Firefox, so I ended up modifying the form.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Hi ColdDaVinci,

I am using Firefox 23 and I’m able to install tamper data addon in it.

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


easiest way add tamper data .

11 years ago


Guys, put a proxy such as Burp or Fiddler between your browser and the internet. It makes life a lot easier!

11 years ago


Hi tlotr,

Yeah, I’ve passed this level using “Tamper Data' method.
but, still, I also wanna learn about the ‘cheat engine’ method.
Until now, I’ve followed all instruction by Stevo_Jay, and still stuck here … :‘(

Can you pass this level using ‘Cheat Engine’ method?
Can you teach me about that? :)

11 years ago


Hi ColdDaVinci,

Did you pass this level by modifying form (Cheat Engine Method)?
Can you teach me how? You can teach me via PM so that the answer doesn’t appear here … :)

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Hi !

I try this level with the url toolbar like that :*****=200000

It doesn’t work, why ?

11 years ago


hmm ..
i think tamperdata addon on firfox will do it !!!

11 years ago


I think too but It should work with GET data like that..

11 years ago


Usually web servers don’t accept GET params when they are expecting POST and vice versa. Sure, there are some sites that accept it, but it’s usually considered a bad practice.

11 years ago


Thanks daMage,

Indeed, it works with POST params


Tamperdata will work with this level. Just change the value to a higher one! :)

11 years ago


Temperdata work very well on this leverl. You just need to click on it , like you meet someone call “SUB”

10 years ago


[quote=Stevo_Jay]All you need to do is go to
then inspect the search bar element.
Show spoiler

Anyway, that’s how I completed the level.

Edit: removed small part, was too near of a full answer…[/quote]

After over an hour of trying to figure this out, this was the one thing that helped me complete it. Thank you

BlackBox [Ransetsu]
10 years ago


half the posts in this thread basically give away the level. your supposed to give hints ppl. not step by step instruction. If that’s what someone wants then take it to private messaging it. giving away the level does a disservice to the people trying to learn. there is no challenge left in this level other than guessing what to change q to (which can be found in another thread).

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Hi, I tried many times to do what Stevo_Jay says, but unfortunately it still doesn’t work, and I don’t understand why ?

So first, I went to /search.php page, and inspect the “search term” box.
I change the method to POST and the action to /levels/b3.php .
I also change the name by m…e and paste the score we need in the “search term” box and click on search.

I don’t know where did I make a mistake ? If someone can give me a clue ?

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
10 years ago


Why the action is /levels/b3.php when you need to work on **** ?

10 years ago


I don’t know why the action is /levels/b3.php, I just did what Stevo_Jay said. And I tried with /levels/basic+/3 as the action but it didn’t work either. So I’m a bit confused, I don’t even know what I have to do with this action thing …

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


@retrojX: Then you may want to check some other factors of a HTML form.

10 years ago


But there’re only two things in a HTML form, Method and Action. And I change both but it still doesn’t work. Maybe I misunderstood something but badly I don’t know what.

Mystery [kapuccino]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


[quote=retrojX]But there’re only two things in a HTML form[/quote]

I don’t think that would be enough… :/

10 years ago


You mean I should add an action or a name value ? something like that ?

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
10 years ago
10 years ago


There are as many things in an HTML form as you choose to put in one! A form has two tags -

in between is where the magic happens. As Mugiwara27 points out - information on how to write forms is available from W3schools. As the saying goes “If there is no door for opportunity to knock on you will have to make one yourself!”.
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