To sum up all the hints you should have read on the other threads :
- This is about “cookie” that you have to modify
- The key of the answer is on the first sentence you see when you click on Basic+ > Level 2 (in the red frame)
[deleted user]
10 years ago
10 years ago
You haven’t to secure your user agent ;)
A user agent is something that represents you when you are browsing the internet (eg. Chrome, FF), your user agent right now just does not work with it, and you want to change it to something that works.
My BEST hint would be to take into consideration what we all just gave you + 1 word :
The user agent is simple, you just have to take
[quote=level]User agent not accepted, only secure_user_agent allowed[/quote]
very literally down to each letter and underscore
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