I understand how xPath Injection works but...

Sandra Murphy

10 years ago


Hey guys,

After having read ALL the threads, truly, having tried 109 times ; I still don’t find the right injection.

I tried things like :

‘ or '1’ = ‘1’ and password/text()=‘’ or ‘1’ = ‘1’ and realname/text()=‘SandraMurphy’]/user/text())
‘ or '1’ = ‘1’ and password/text()=‘’ or ‘1’ = ‘1’ and realname/text()=‘SandraMurphy’]

I’m a bit confused and don’t refuse a hint based on what I did in order to put me on the right track…

Thank you very much.

10 years ago


Well there is one recent thread on this level which has all hints needed!

10 years ago


You have a lot of words on yours inputs…. remember there is 2 inputs on formular

hope that help a bit

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


You see, you’ve been putting way too much into the injection, this level is simple just like an regular SQL injection

You start with the basic
beh' or 1=1 or ‘a’=‘a
This is for when you know nothing whatsoever so you make a statement that’s always true
but here you do know the realname, which is a statement that is always true for that single account, so you’d modify the generic injection to include that information
Oh and don’t forget to input something for the password as well, I was stuck here for a bit because I forgot that

???Roun512 [roun512]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


All i can tell is that >> password/text()=‘’[/spoiler] && [spoiler]realname/text()=‘SandraMurphy’]/user/text()) are not really required :).

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


I LOVE YOU Wibben lol, you said the best hint !

10 years ago


If anyone thinks I’ve said too much I’ll gladly edit it

10 years ago


Thank you very much guys, I will try again with what you said. :)

10 years ago


Haha I think its just under the lid @Wibben ! :p

10 years ago


It seems to be soooo evident according to your comments…

I tried, based on Wibben advice :

beh' or 1=1 or realname/text()=‘SandraMurphy

But there is, as usual, “Error with request”.
Am I using a syntax I should not ?
I just replaced a statement always true by another I know.
Can we use the “WHERE” function as in SQL ?
I put ‘beh’ in the password input.

Thank you !

10 years ago


when you looked at the xml file, what was the original variable name?

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


and also with what to replace is almost like human relationships
male X male
female X female
male X female
These types of relationships are all acceptable but only one works for this level

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


I also tried with

but it didn’t work…

EDIT : Thanks to your advice I reached that point :
[spoiler]beh' or ‘1’ = ‘1’ or realname=‘SandraMurphy

10 years ago


You are just not relating to the hints @Hackay . Don’t try to copy them as your answers….try to understand them and then use whats necessary and apt !! During this time , reading comes to a great help , so just understand it….read all about it and work the necessary thing. You have got more help than you asked for in this thread…so its time that you just go through them and the others if needed….
You won’t get over the levels so easily….you gotta dwell deeper to see things !!

10 years ago


Ok, thank you everyone for your help, I close and go to read again ! :)

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