Technology choices

Please try this site. Props to @jayssj11! Looks good!

Like a certain type of computer or a phone a game system if you could only have one what would it be?
Please try this site. Props to @jayssj11! Looks good!

Please try this site. Props to @jayssj11! Looks good!

I think that I would like to have a Windows 8 touch screen laptop that had a huge system storage and had mobile data so I could use it anywhere I wanted. I think Google’s data center would be too intense for me to handle.
Please try this site. Props to @jayssj11! Looks good!

LOL, you are right. Just randomly commented something because you said:
[quote=Greyhatfool]no matter what the cost[/quote]

Please try this site. Props to @jayssj11! Looks good!
a hammer is a very practical piece of technology, but if it’s anything I’d personally just go for a tool box since I can build a lot of very practical and artistic things with it

Please try this site. Props to @jayssj11! Looks good!

Ha i’d like to have a Super Computer on my finger tips! The fastest is Tianhe-2. That bitch is really fast, maybe i’ll not able to control it. :p lol
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

Please try this site. Props to @jayssj11! Looks good!
10 years ago
I’d like to have a Alienware Laptop.
Anyone who wants to gift me an Alienware Laptop, please feel free to do so.

Very very good choice fairly certain any one of us would love to have an alienware laptop. I personally would like something akin to Tony Starks hologram computer type stuff.
Please try this site. Props to @jayssj11! Looks good!
10 years ago
@Greyhatfool : You know you can edit your post as well. There is no point in posting multiple times when you can edit your previous post. Just wanted to let you know if you didn’t know this it’s okay but if you knew about it and still doing it on purpose then everybody knows why you doin' it.

Please try this site. Props to @jayssj11! Looks good!

Oh! And one more point, please try and shorten your forum signature. Its too long and is often longer than your posts! :)
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

Please try this site. Props to @jayssj11! Looks good!

Aha nice there I like that! ?
EDIT: The emoji at the last is a Thumbs up, just in case if its not visible.
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

Please try this site. Props to @jayssj11! Looks good!

i would love any piece of tech. that i could get my hands on. that includes old stuff, i would take that stuff apart and look at how it worked and do some cool research. on the other hand. i would like to have a Asus Transformer Book T100TA. it has a lot of cool features that would be useful for hacking including an option for touch screen.