Discussion for those who has passed the levels

12 years ago


I think it would be good to learn how other people solved some levels… Maybe there could be certain sections in the forum that are unlocked when you pass levels… There you could tell if you found some really weird way to complete some levels without spoiling the fun for those who haven’t passed it yet..



yup , you were right just like someone who write about solving basic level 3 just using search bar >_<

12 years ago


There’s one level i finded answer on japanse site.
It’s basic X,of course it didn’t counted,but was fun i trying cheating.
I know level is offline,but what i can do,i like cheating : )
How i soulved levels…
I was whole time at IRC and later in forum,i never asked but others do it and i read and get answer in my memory,that’s all.
When i started i didn’t know about hacking,but in time i learn something,but there nobody speaked about some levels(60%) and i did by myself,it was long and hard work for me.On one of levels i was 17hours,once i finished,lol i screamed : )
Also this site make that i start wish try build my own site (about my gaming clan),and i started with learning web languages.
I feel free to say that this site boost me up.I’m even not hacker,(ofc i dreaming to be pro hacker,but it’s so long way)for now i’m only a guy who want add some knowledge about everything.(silent but colecting informations)

12 years ago


It’s sometimes easy to find the answers on the web but sometimes even though u find the right video that is supposed to tell the answer you are forced to do it by urself :)

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
12 years ago


What daMage is talking about doesn’t remove the help aspect from the forum and there would still be hints to help others complete the levels. But with the addition of new topics that can only be accessed by users who have completed the level would prompt discussion and discovery of alternative methods .. without spoiling it for those who haven’t.


yup . just for thoso who has finished the level :)

J [ColdIV]
12 years ago


I really like the idea, would be nice to have something like this.


yes , this topic is only for those who has finished the level , and share their on ways to complete it :)

J [ColdIV]
12 years ago


I don’t understand you, complaining about spam but posting the same message twice d:

And the topic would be nice for coding levels, nice to share code or give some help with programming


hahaha…. sorry , just get excited with the forum :)

12 years ago


I also agree,….
I’m new to Hack This, I’m almost done with the basic levels.
however, after each level completion i go into the forum and try to help others who have not got it yet,
Not by spoiling but by encouragement and suttle clues.

now to get to the point,
it’s been hard at times to discuss how i found the solution without being a spoiler.
so.. i agree it would be cool to be able to access this kind of discussion forum only after having completed the level. so that ideas and solutions can be freely exchanged,
this would also help us in understanding “Solution Efficiency”
Both from a logical reasoning point of view, and a speed point of view.

in short. i agree , Please try to implement this .
Good Idea DAMAGE

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


I know this is Old Thread but i Totally agree with damage i wish if we had it now :)

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
12 years ago


Well after all it is the weekend so lets see what I can throw together :)

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


Oh :D :P , Thanks Flabby Its Really Good Idea :P :P :D

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


A new discussion section has been added to each level. This section can only be accessed by those who have completed that level. The sections can be located by clickin the [Solution discussion] link by any level section on the home page of the forum.

FYI currently any updates in these sections will not be shown in the latest posts list or in the sidebar feed. This will be rectified at some point.

Also there is no discussion for Basic+ Level X

J [ColdIV]
12 years ago


Nice :) Will be interesting in the Coding section I guess..

12 years ago


Why isn’t there a discussion for basic+ level X??
And really nice to have this :D! can’t wait to read how people did it, and see if someone did it different then me ^_^

J [ColdIV]
12 years ago


Well you won’t need one for basic x
Everyone who passed it should know where he found them and how he found them..
There is just one way. (+Cheating but who would give an extra discussion for cheater?)

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


LOL , hehehe they all users will find it in the same place so why they will post it like : i find it in 1234 then the second user say me too i find it their ! LOL

12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


Yea :P but how you found that place, and maybe giving notice if some of them changes :). Flabby keeps moving them around, and changing the value….. Actually I found 3 codes, which I’m not sure how other people would have found? maybe there’s a simpler way of getting to that area, and spot the BLX_CODE :P

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


hehe yes ! that’s the sad part i searched in most pf pages but maybe flabby re-change them and put one of them where i searched before ! and i won’t go their again ! ! But Dont know maybe u have point of view

12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


Basic+ level 2 also doesn’t have a solution discussion link ;)
Ohh sorry, didn’t see it was one of those removed challenges…… Just saw it had some posts, so didn’t think further on about that.
Sorry for bothering.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
12 years ago


Well that is probably because you haven’t completed said level :p

Honey Boo Boo [Ski900]
12 years ago


I really like the idea of having a forum for members who completed all levels. I think it could be a melting pot of fun and new ideas for the site.

I can safely say that this website is very close nit as far as the members go, and having a forum such as that would bolster the hackthis.. community. I think it would promote forum members getting together to collaborate ideas that we could run by admins or moderators for the levels.

I have no intentions of actually wearing the black hat, however, this site allows for me to vicariously wear that hat :) This is a site that I want to stay involved with!

Soooooo, back to my original point lol, I really like the idea of a forum to discuss openly about the levels!

11 years ago


it’s a good idea
we can improve our skill by learn from others experience right?

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