Hey guys, I was just wondering if i will donate anonymously will i get the heart? ;D Thanks!
Edit:Donation of 5+
Damn..I knew it(i thought it was just not listing u in hall of fame) Thanks ;D
Just reopening to say yes, you would get a heart … your name would just not be listed in the hall of fame :)
@flabbyrabbit: Now it is new. Can I choose to be anonymous too? :/
It was there when you donated :p but I can still change it if you want?
Ow nice ^^ thanks flabbyrabbit! :D
Edit:i dont know how to tag users xD
:( Just a parentheses before this thread gets closed. I wanted to donate as anon cuz when i clicked it didnt require to sign up for a paypal account but now i do need to sign up :/ Is there any other method to donate?
@flabbyrabbit: Yeah, please do it for me. I thought that if I had chosen to donate anonymously, you couldn’t have found who had donated.
@21CmOfPain send me a PM and we can sort something out
@freewind1012 no, just simply doesn’t list your username … can’t remember why I thought it was a good idea. I’ll remove your entry now.
Okey thanks ;D I guess i should close the thread!
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