Photoshop Game!!

Hey guys!,
How about a “ Photoshop Game ”? Its very familiar to Photoshop Tennis just a little different.
So the goal is to edit a picture “ non-stop ”.
We will start with a basic (base) image (listed at the end) and every user takes a turn who has to edit the image but without deforming the previous edit!
In order to take a turn you have to say “ I’ll take it ” and after(if needed) the user who has the picture finishes is your turn!
Rules?what rules? xD
1 : Respect the turns!!
2 : NO Sexual or Nudism (generally +18) is allowed!!
3 : Don’t cover (deform) completely the previous edit!!
4 : Have FUN!! :D
Edit Rule 5 : Keep the resolution the same(dont resize it please)!!
Edit Rule 6 : Upload in “ .png ” format!!
Here is the starting picture :
Hope you guys LIKE it!! :D
10 years ago
I don’t have Photoshop :(

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago

Sorry if that sounded stupid.
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Quick question:
Can we edit over an edit? Like: if someone inserts a person, make that person a cyborg, or stuff like that?
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There you go:
Yes, the airplane’s still there :D
ALSO, this game should be using some non-destructive image formats…saving jpegs over and over again causes information loss.
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Sorry if that sounded stupid.
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Edit: To keep posts to a minimum, i suggest we use edit on the “My turn”. And don’t reply to it ;)
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Watch out @tortora23, you added a white space on the left of the picture which is not “good looking”.
Please try to upload your image again without it :)

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ty 21CmOfPain ;);) i forget about the white line ;);) awesome job guys;);)

You are welcome tortora23

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10 years ago

@tortora23 You didn’t use the image tlotr supplied. He had removed the chessboardand the vase underneath.
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rekcah.ronoh ,You just violated rule No.1 and also the resolution and format is wrong your entry will be skipped (not accepted) if you wont fix the image within 2 hours!!
Else we will continiue from tortora23 last post..

If you are looking for some guys who have the most negative karma in forum, @dfalcon and @rekcah.ronoh won’t disappoint you.

Thanks for the update kapuccino , I wll try to be more cautious/strict on them.

Caution??? :o HaHaHa
Post deleted, I do not want to participate now. :D
[quote=kapuccino]If you are looking for some guys who have the most negative karma in forum, dfalcon and rekcah.ronoh won’t disappoint you. [/quote]
I feel that you have some kind of sensitivity to me :D, Any way believe me I can reach my karama to +50 in 3 days,,, No in two days Or less. But I don’t want to circumvent

Ow. Thanks a lot tortora23 ^o^
Btw sorry that I was kinda late.

Please change the format to “ .png ” and then reupload it also make sure that its (1276 x 955) :D

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago
Sorry ^^

I maked a little Swif/html for the first 19 pic in this PhotoshopGame. ==) I divide the file.
part 01 ==)
part 02 ==)
You can check it out guys.

rekcah.ronoh , Wow thats very nice ;D well done my friend i think you deserve my positive karma for this!!
Cant you be that good all the time around the forum? :)

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Abhi_hacker , Hey man you can use paint or gimp or whatever you can (also photoshop isnt that hard ) ;D

21CmOfPain ==) Thanks (== , Yeah ;).
I was waiting 4 Fireshard pic. :D
Abhi_hacker you can do a little photoshoping online ==)
& also you can check these Links to download a similar programmes 2 photoshop ;)

Sorry about the delay.
This is it:
Not to scare anyone, but this thread is already aproaching the 100mark :D (obvious spam included)
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flabbyrabbit Thanks!! :3
and yeah everybody is doing a great job, Thanks guys for participating!!
So, I ll take it!! ;D

Here you Go!! :D :
fkpuzat we need your red guy in this ;D

@flabbyrabbit that was my previous idea, but i just could find a proper image to crop and add :) Good job!
@21CmOfPain Awesome work!
I’m keeping with my initial superhero idea:
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Fireshard , Thanks :D
Also guys when our current canvas has no more space left, I have an idea on putting a new one (one very special) :)
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago
Ok my turn :)
Here he is ^^

Nice Work ^fkpuzat & I love your imprint 21CmOfPain >>Anony-masks<<
I’ll take it guys.

I will take it ( after @rekcah.ronoh )

Hackay [/url] sorry but rekcah.ronoh said that he will take it earlier than you.pls wait until he is done and then update you image
Thanks :D

Event misunderstanding, I have stopped photoshoping on image when I read Hackay Request…
Any way >>21CmOfPain<< I want to participate beyond Hackay turn ;)

Thank you @rekcah.ronoh !
Here is my picture again then :

Hackay nevermind my friend :D, Now my turn :)

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HackThis!! advertised in NY ;D

A little suggestion: try not to cover the previous modifications (The horse), @tortora23 :D
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tortora23 you can just make it smaller and place it on the upper corner without hiding the previous edits completely ;D
Nice job everybody

Sorry if that sounded stupid.
All your karamas are belong to us.

It seems like tortora23 forgot about editing the image xD
so i will take it :D

fine, i’ll take it in a few hours if no one does it until then :)
Just…which one’s the right one, now?
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10 years ago
@Fireshard : If you don’t mind I have taken it. I have taken flabby’s image cause I don’t see any image after flabby’s post.

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10 years ago
Okay here it is. Wanted to do a lot but couldn’t make it work.

Reminder: save as PNG, not JPG to preserve quality.
Edit: does imgur change everything to jpg now? i just noticed my saved picture is also jpg…
Here’s my take:
Good luck!
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10 years ago
@Fireshard : Yeah even my pic was .png and when I uploaded it on i.imgur it changed it too .jpg.

10 years ago
Hey I am back too. Once you post your pic @21CmOfPain I’ll take it once again.

It’s nice to have you back tlotr .
Here is my image.
10 years ago
Hi All,
If anyone else wants to tak the pic you can do so. I am currently in the process of setting up my OS.
I’ll take the pic later on once my OS is completely setup.

10 years ago
I am next.
Here it is…….

10 years ago
So whose next?

10 years ago
Hey that’s awesome @21CmOfPain
So whose next. C'mon guys. This is fun.

@21CmOfPain good job man you got me really entertained for the last 20 minutes tomorrow I might try to edit this :) good night all of the UTC+2
Used to be lexostras…. but i got tierd of my name so now it’s worst…..
My github dont click this

@lexostras , Looking forward for your edit man. :)

I never used photoshop a lot, or any other photo editing software for that matter.
I think this is a nice way of learning this kind of stuff, and so I’ll try to post my edits after @lexostras :)

@tl0tr You can take it, else imma be :)

Thanks @tl0tr, it was fun!

@tl0tr It took me awhile to figure out , xD
BTW guys save as .png ;D

Woah @tl0tr, it was hard to find :D … very nice though.
@21CmOfPain: I intended to upload it as png and I realized later that imgur automatically convert big png to jpg :s

@Kaninte did it 2 years ago on a 4y old thread, 2 years later and here I am resurrecting the thread again. Can we actually bring it back?

Some free alternatives include GIMP and pixlr. Of the two, pixlr is definitely more beginner friendly. GIMP can get complicated!
Pixlr is decent which I use, I also have a XP-Pen Drawing Pad that works well with Pixlr, It’s great for photo editing!