Hackthis!! info
He means he performed a geolocation lookup on the HackThis!! host.
You can see a full proof of concept of this extremely advanced technique by clicking this link: http://www.geoiptool.com/en/?IP=hackthis.co.uk
As you can see, the only information the host provides is the country block (United Kingdom, which is something we could have guessed just by paying attention to the .co.uk). No more information is provided (no region, no city, no postal code) so the map goes directly to the center of the capital city of the country -> the center of London, somewhere near Big Ben.
So @rekcah.ronoh with his ultra-advanced thinking techniques is trying to threaten?, frighten?, extort?, Hackthis!! by providing this picture as the classical evil genius, old style:
[quote=The Evil Genius]Oh, owner of the website!! Thou prompted us to hack you with the name of your site,
now thou shalt be hacked by The Evil Genius!!
I bought a satellite and took pictures of your server from above!!
I am publishing them, but I warn you this might be troublesome for you!!
So thou shalt admire my abilities and put a picture of The Evil Genius in the main page before I remove them!!
Thou can’t hide!!
Now let’s play dumb blackmailer!!
Oh look what beautiful picture I found, wouldn’t it be a pitty if someone BOMBED THIS PLACE? >:_([/quote]
This is what @rekcah.ronoh meant. He can and will probably confirm by deleting this post and acting as it didn’t happen, like all the Evil “Geniuses”. I haz pictures of thiz hax0r adventure though. :-)
cc/ @flabbyrabbit Be afraid!! >:_(
Sorry if that sounded stupid.
All your karamas are belong to us.
Welc0me!! And don’t bl0w things up!!
Vive la France!
Sorry if that sounded stupid.
All your karamas are belong to us.
Lol what was that all about? Just some pictures of the server location! Haha
You might wanna delete the post to get rid of the karmas! :)
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
Karma Police nice, I Smell the lies in your blackened lungs.
I know that the last sentence a little weird,,,,, Anyway I watched Lazy Town & I’m not french my friend SFisher,,,, It’s just a False identity.
I think you listened to Stevie Wonder instead.
I never watched Lazy Town, but I like the Mayor.
I never said you were French.
See ya! :)
Sorry if that sounded stupid.
All your karamas are belong to us.