Bug in Intermediate Level 5

Access logs


So i tried Intermediate Level 5 again today and i enterted as username “ adasd ” and for password “ adsd ” and i completed the level so there is propably a bug!!


Luke [flabbyrabbit]
10 years ago


The level is about parsing log files … seeing as the your log file still contains the correct answer it counts as valid.


when i did this i was at a net cafe so i suppose my logs should be empty >.<

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


I was able to bypass the log script . But could only do the level by doing something more than just bypassing logs !!

10 years ago


Lol I too found some strange things at first but was all taken care of! Yes it would require a different IP .

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


And I think that @Abhi_hacker and @IAmDevil wouldn’t give the spoilers.

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Yeah…I think I gave a bit more info….than I should have !!
Time to edit my previous post !!
Sorry everyone !!
Re: Edited my post !!
Once again , sorry everybody…never did it intentionally .

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@Abhi_hacker: Never mind. Thanks for your quick response. :p

10 years ago


Hmm.. what spoiler did I give? :/ And that too which gave me 2 -ve karmas! I dont get it @freewind1012 .

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


@IAmDevil: Everyone should figure out what type of attack they can apply to Intermediate Level 5 by themselves. By reading your post, they just need to look for a suitable tool / add-on.

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


I don’t think my post really did give any spoiler which would just bark away what type of attack to use! And all the attacks which are valid for this level are already there in the older threads. So, I don’t think I did anything wrong. :/
I wont even given a -ve karma ‘cus its not meaningful right now.

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Do you know why people are so confused even after solving this level? There are many threads like “Oh god! Why could I pass this level? There must be a bug!!!”. Are 250 pts and the green Completed status is all which matter?

If you can answer my question, you will know why I considered a part of your post as the spoiler.


Ofc.Im trying to pass it again,so its about using a tool?hmmm..
:/ gotta try harder!!

Note:should I close the thread?


@21CmofPain: Intermediate Level 5 can be passed once. Later attempts won’t be counted. If you want to take it again, you should create another account. :p


freewind1012 , ow I will create a new account hopefully its not against any rule like (e.g. Multi-account creation)

Thanks :D

10 years ago


Yes you can close this thread now!

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