Hacking IRC's


Does anyone know some good Hackers IRC’s out there? Trying to find one so any help would be useful.

10 years ago


what is an IRC?

10 years ago


Hmm… Hacking IRC’s seems interesting! You can check www.hackthissite.org , there are some IRC levels there I think!

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


I think he’s reffering to hacker IRCs, not hacking IRCs…

In which case, you could try home:

https://www.hackthis.co.uk/irc/ ;)

10 years ago


Lol that was stupid by me!
Yes you can use HT’s IRC, which is quite fun sometimes. Try this too irc.evilzone.org !

10 years ago


Yeah…HT’s IRC is a great place to learn and share your knowledge….all those who have been there , must have seen it for themselves !! :)


I have seen the IRC on HT I was wondering if anyone knew of some others with maybe more experienced or different experience hackers or group hacker stuff.

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Well you can check the one given by me in my previous post! But beware don’t ask stupid questions there! There are a whole lot of hot heads.
Or atleast I’ll say that just do some research before you ask something. :)


Thank you fir the suggestion IAmDevil but all that got me was a picture of Vader.

8 years ago


First off Do some reading, then Find an IRC client, Then ALLOT more reading. Honest best bet

8 years ago


HackThis has a client available via the website, here: https://www.hackthis.co.uk/irc
They were wondering is there is another IRC available where like-minded people can talk about their stuff, in this case learning how to hack.
Also, this thread is from 2014, I doubt they are still looking for a new IRC. :P

Maybe time to close it?

8 years ago


I don’t know if your trying to host your own hacking IRC or what? Assuming that you are, Freenode IRC is a good one. Also KiwiIRC is not bad either.

The best kind of IRC you will find honestly are open-source ones. Also, if you are hosting an IRC server, you might want to have SSL on it so the Feds don’t peep into what your doing in there… Also password protecting it is good practice…

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago


How having ssl would stop feds?

8 years ago


Where can I download Freenode? I’ve tried setting up KiwiIRC, but I can’t seem to connect to it. Please help.

8 years ago


@1337boy Good question… :P
@dloser I got you covered, here: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/

8 years ago


@AlienWars You got a picture of vader as you tried to access it from a browser try and access it using a IRC client


Server (DNS pool): irc.evilzone.org

Nodes: r2d2.irc.evilzone.org, vader.irc.evilzone.org

Ports: 6667, 6668 | 6697, 9999 (SSL, recommended)

Main channel: #evilzone

8 years ago


SSL Encryption would just scatter data sent to and from the server. Therefore, you need an encryption key or something to be able to see any data being sent. Why do you think that Banks and Social Media websites have SSL on their website? So no hacker (nor Fed) can see your activity and or data (credentials, retrieved data, etc)…

Does this answer your question?

[ By the way guys, what up? I haven’t been on in a while! :D ]

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago


you make me lol so hard ahah

8 years ago


Thank god this site uses SSL, otherwise the feds would see your posts… That would be so embarrassing.

8 years ago


When I say POST data, I mean litterally PHP functions and other server side things. Obviously, none of you know anything about SSL or anything, otherwise @dloser you’d know that the SSL would be useful in a way you wouldn’t understand. So, don’t mistake me for the moron you think that I am. Though, your not the web developer here, so I wouldn’t expect you to know.

@1337boy The only reason I make you laugh, is because you don’t understand what I am saying when I say it. You really need to educate yourself on this stuff before you think your a badass and you know everything.

SIGKILL [r4v463]
8 years ago


[quote=BlackVikingPro]Obviously, none of you know anything about SSL or anything[/quote]

Can you teach me please ? Because you seem so much higher than us x')

btw, if dloser is not the web developer here, so are you ? Because this website let me think that no… https://www.blackvikingpro.com/ at least you have SSL lol

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago


Like he needed it Lol
Ps you are so Good at web dev that you can say no at that alert in the home page and still being able to visit the site Lol

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
8 years ago


When I say POST data, I mean literally PHP functions and other server side things. Obviously, none of you know anything about SSL or anything, otherwise dloser you’d know that the SSL would be useful in a way you wouldn’t understand. So, don’t mistake me for the moron you think that I am. Though, your not the web developer here, so I wouldn’t expect you to know.

1337boy The only reason I make you laugh, is because you don’t understand what I am saying when I say it. You really need to educate yourself on this stuff before you think your a badass and you know everything.
Wow man, this post made me laugh so hard
We already know that dloser don’t know anything tss :p
You’re so much higher than us, please teach us!

waiting so much dloser’s answer

8 years ago


I don’t have time to answer; trying to find the place where he said anything about POST data. Then I have to research a bit on PHP functions and other server sides things to understand how they relate to the discussion. You see, I’m not the web developer here, so I guess I’ll have to educate myself.

Besides, I got schooled so hard, I might need a few years to recover. :‘(

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago


Poor dloser… That s What happens when you speak without knowing ssl

8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


@BlackVikingPro Please, stop owning yourself.
Your cringe-worthy posts really make no sense.
Also, HackThis is an open-source project, I think @dloser did contribute.
Also, go learn the facts about SSL before you talk abut it.
And I mean LEARN, not read some shit off of Wikipedia.

The only way you’ll be safe from feds, other shady agencies and hackers (Not SKs) is by not using the internet at all.
Oh wait, then there’s still the rootkit/virus/ransomware people that sell you a hard copy of a “cracked” game… xD

Now I wrote that, time to go back to the GLES2 shader development utility.
Still need to make the main render procedures/functions.. Meh.

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago


[quote=DOSmaster]Oh wait, then there’s still the rootkit/virus/ransomware people that sell you a hard copy of a “cracked” game… xD [/quote]

kek pls explain this >_>
i remember only the “deep web hackers” friends of him that buy IPs from BVP

8 years ago


[quote=1337boy]kek pls explain this >_>[/quote]
My grandpa buying some card games from some shady fucker in a “recycle” store.
Those are stores you bring your stuff to you want to get rid off for free and they fix it to then sell it.

8 years ago



SSL Encryption would just scatter data sent

Wrong just, Wrong it took you less than half of a sentence to fail.
It’s in the Fucking name its encryption.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral.

It doesn’t scatter data at all. You sound like your mixing up SSL and TOR and it still a shit description of TOR.

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