Forgot to introduce myself

Hi everybody, I’m a girl from France. Username EganDoesGG.
I do love computers since i’m like 12-13 yo, but i never really worked on it since I discovered Linux, few months ago (which is, let’s face it, a big revolution when you come from windows OS).
I remember starting with linux, discovering the command lines, and I felt like i was the QUEEN of this binary world. Like the computer genius in the movies (while i was just doing an apt-get update xD).
So I learnt a bit more about linux, then I realize that progamming should be fun too. Thanks to, i started C++, and later, Python. I’m not good, only have the basics.
Finally i found security and hacking. I think this is the best thing i’ve studied until now, that’s so fascinating, and there’s so much to learn :). Each new discovery is like “oh, wait, I can do that ? that’s GREAT !” And that’s even greater when you spend 2 hours searching for the way to do it. I like headaches.
And about linux, I do agree with the free open source project, the sharing of knowledge’s mentality, and i truly respect the community who’s working on make it better. This is mainly what made me love linux so much.
I wish i’ll be able to use it proficiently one day.
So, this is a wide world that i want to explore. I’m not so young to begin to learn, but better late than never.
See you sometimes when i’ll be crying for some help on the forum ^^ hf

Good luck, @EganDoesGG ! You sound incredibly enthusiastic! Keep up the good work and “Happy Hacking!” :D
Don’t post answers on the forums!
Search other forums before making new threads called “help” !

Welcome to HackThis!! community. :D

Heya @EganDoesGG , good luck for the endeavours you’ll be doing here….and welcome to HT . And don’t worry about the headaches , you’ll get them in plenty :)
In case of any problem , feel free to check the forums….or ask for help !! People here are quite generous in helping :)
Once again….welcome and good luck :D

@EganDoesGG ===) Welcome in Hackthis!! (===, Me too I starting with linux some days agooooo UBUNTU
:D Yeah Linux is the FREEDOM

@EganDoesGG hello and welcome to HT! This is a fantastic place to learn and share your knowledge and one of the best out on the WWW.
For coding you might also give a look to . And don’t worry HT! is also equipped with one of the best forums! Face any problems? I’m just a PM away.
Good luck!
And @freewind1012 i’m sure as hell who that guy is!
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

Yeah…got it….I too know this guy , very well !! And if I am not wrong , then its his 3rd account here !!
lol :p
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”