Guys How Likely Will I Get Busted ??

Well its most likely that you’ll be caught as anything and everything on the internet is traceable. Just find a safe place to hide your ass! Lol
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

@IAmDevil What Are The Chances that they might havent noticed all the changes i have done .. im thinkin undoing all my shit

Well you’ll only be caught if the site is a very active one or the site Admin complains. :)
And the chances could be anything a 1/1 or 1/1000 . Think yourself!
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
as iamDevil said if site is active , you will be caught easily , i suggest you to undo your stuff . i hacked my school website a year ago but nothing happened ,
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”

@FrostByte_Anon: If you had been afraid of getting caught, you wouldn’t have done that.

Well people do dumb shit right! I too remember doing a similar thing. But I was quite chilled out ‘cus I was at a internet cafe when did that. :)
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”
It’s me again…. Just woke up… bit fucking tired… sorry if I sound a bit stupid….. Let’s check it out….
Yeah, like @IAmDevil said he goes to a internet cafe, do so. Personally I never shit where I eat. NEVER everr do anything on your home network that is big or could get you in jail. Maybe do research and shit like that. I mean go to an internet cafe, wear some clothes to cover your identity, park somewhere at night, and crack into their network. You could even look for open accespoints. I mean, as I said, just don’t shit where you eat ever. If you drive you could pull down your back seat and kick it in the trunk with some good tunes. If you’re in an area where you can’t get out much or still a young kid you could simply hack every neighbor up until you reach about a mile away and then start using proxies outside of the country. To cover your ass simply run a factory reset on their routers.
It’s sad but true that every Comcast/XFiniity Router I’ve encountered the default Username and Password is:
Username: admin
Password: password
I am not kidding you, it’s fucking ridiculous…. I called my ISP (Comcast) to ask for the user and pass credentials so I could enable port forwarding and recieved them. After that everytime I’ve ‘'been’‘ on a network with an XFinity router they have remained the same. Fantastic though because you can simply just get all the info you need right their about the users lmao.
Anywho, if you really did fuck this website up enough and are a paranoid little freak like I am myself, here’s what I would do.
Option 1:
Find a close friend, or even better someone you don’t communicate with too often, delete and write over everything on the computer a good 50 times, as well as installing a new OS that isn’t the one that you are currently using. >> Your UA String stores information about your OS as well So their logs will more than likely show that information. After that give it to that close friend or relative to hold onto, in a hidden place, for a good couple of months. 6 months best, because sometimes it takes about 3 for a subpoena to go through.
Option 2:
Go through with all of the deletion and writing process, all of that good stuff. Get some latex gloves, cotton balls, and rubbing alcohol. Dab the cotton balls with rubbing alcohol and proceed to scrub every corner of your computer/laptop, especially the keys on your keyboard and where your palms rest, a good couple times to remove every fingerprints or oils. Remember to wear the gloves while doing so, and continue to do this process onto your whole system a good 10 times. Why 10? Because you’re paranoid and don’t want to take any chances that you’ve missed an area. After this take your computer out of town to a nice pawn shop and sell it. Your best bet though is to find a nice crack head with an itch, and just give it to him/her. Because they are going to sell that shit for some rocks. Their fingers will be all over it and they wouldn’t be able to trace it back to you since you didn’t walk into the pawn shop and aren’t on camera. If the feds come in and ask the clerks at the pawn shop, they will more than likely give all info on you. So instead this crack head now has his fingerprints and face on camera. Wear some unrecognizable clothing as well. This meaning alter your appearance completely. If you’re really pale, apply some really dark makeup to make you look black, if you have long hair wear a beanie, if you have short hair get a wig, if you wear really dark clothing, change up your look and dress including shoes for the day. Crack heads have some really clouded judgement anyways so what they see is what they know. Not to mention if the police are coming to pick them up they’re going to look sketchy and trying running away.
Option 3:
Follow the data writing process in options 1 and 2 as well as cleaning all fingerprints and oils in Option 2. Now this is if what you have done it really incriminating and you are paranoid as hell. Drive out into the middle of nowhere and burn that shit. Burn it good! Make sure every last bit of that box is smashed into tiny little pieces and/or ash. You’re going to want to wear a medical mask for this. You may get in trouble for trespassing, so having a friend who owns a farm is always best or having permission from the guy to burn some old junk. After that is finished you have 3 sub options. Take every last piece you’ve smashed along with the dirt it lying on and either:
[] Take it deep into some woods outside of town and bury it all deep into the earth
[] Take it into the middle of a corn field outside of town and bury it deep into the ground
[*] Or find a strong leather bag that you can fill up with some cement blocks, and drop into a water source out of town
Make sure that nothing looks suspicious either. Meaning that it doesn’t look like anything was smashed or a hole was even dug in the first place. Make everything look like it did when you came.
Viola! Problem solved. Now you may still get testified against in court so I would get a very good lawyer to fight your battle. This is just to get rid of the computer you were using and all incriminating evidence they could use against you in the court of law.
Oh, I also forgot to mention. You should take your router and modem as well and burn/smash/get rid of those as well. There’s logs and everything there. Probably cancel your internet subscription too, but, then they have records on that, so that may be too suspicious. Anything that has anything with hacking on it from flashdrives, external hard drives, other computers, etc. I would burn that and/or get rid of it as well. Since you’re involved in Anonymous stuff you should probably get rid of any Guy Fawkes related masks and clothing. Probably getting rid of your V for Vendetta posters and action figures, if you have them also. I mean you did post Anonymous logos all over the website so that’s going to fuck you over big time when the feds raid your house.
Other than that, the best I can tell you is… Deny EVERYTHING in the court of law. Even if they have evidence against it.
Start watching this video at 50:50 I do recommend you watch this whole video though because it’s essential to know all of this information. If you really did what you did it’s like getting into a wreck after getting my license. This is my way of telling you to go get your license again through so many hours of drivers ed, even though you know how to drive. Listen to everything this guy has to say. It will help you a lot and cover a lot of what everyone above me has said adnd what I’ve said. I would love to see what you’ve done though if you could link me to the site. Yeah?
I wish you best of luck man! Just, if you don’t get caught…. Be fucking smarter when taking a shit. Never… NEVER… Never ever! Shit, where you eat.
P.s. I don’t think @FrostByte_Anon should have got so much negative karma. I mean he is scared and reaching out to us for help. Whether or not what he’s claiming has solid proof or he actually did it, he must have done something enough to spook him into posting here. I’m usually a big critic on this stuff and rant/attack against all of these people who do post stupid shit in the forums that do deserve to get such neg karma. But, it’s usually with the posts where people are like, “Oh, my friend and I invented a software that can hack the world using only batch.”
He’s not really asking us to help him do anything illegal, just advice and options on how to “cover his ass”. If he asked us how to hack a website then yeah, he’s a fucking script kiddie, lazy, and asking us to invest our time in illegal activity.
Face it, not all of us here, probably a good half of us– are not a bunch of goody two-shoes. Where hanging out on a hacker forum for god sake. I mean, yeah it has it’s security benefits for IT guys and understanding/learning how to protect yourself from attacks. Other than that personally, I just see a bunch of legal disclaimers which we should most definitely cleverly follow to keep this site running and what not.
And for you @FrostByte_Anon look at that last sentence. Maybe you could have said something along the lines of, “Hey Guys. I’m just curious… What should somebody do if they hacked something big and weren’t secure as they should have been?”
Just word it better so the admins don’t get in trouble for what you post, since… y' know… this is their server. They get in trouble for the content it hosts. I also wouldn’t post too much detail or talk about what you’ve done as well because, your ISP could just pull up a list of websites you visit and then this post could be used against you in court since you did claim you hacked this specific site.
Maybe reverse everything you did and warn/help fix the admin of the site, about the vulnerabilities you found. That could be something nice to do.

Nothing more to be said as @MaxLockhart said it for us all! I too disagree on the -ve karmas. The guy had a legit question in his mind which most of us had while performing our maiden hack/exploit and just wanted so direction or advice ‘bout whatever he did was a thing to be feared of or be proud of !
Btw @FrostByte_Anon hasan’t been see for a day so he’s either cool about the incedent or has been caught. :p
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
Haha, maiden attack. I like that… and yeah I think it’s ridiculous some of the -ve karma given. Some people really do deserve it though. I hope he didn’t get caught though. I’d really like to hear the end of this thing though. Unless he did something to a gov website I don’t things should be too serious. It usually takes a minute for a court order to go through, search warrants all of that good stuff.

@MaxLockhart check spelling in last post :P
I agree with the -ve karma thingy…he had a semi-valid question (i don’t understand why you would do such a thing without thinking about it first,though)
Don’t post answers on the forums!
Search other forums before making new threads called “help” !

Its so because it is the mindset of a Script kidde to “Do things and then think”. Weren’t most of us like that before? Cus i was. I got in serious troubles many times (with cops landing at my place even though it was a pitty issue) all times it taught me a lesson and thats how you progress my friend. :)
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

Well, i consider myself a beginner hacker or even a script-kiddie still :D
Never hacked anything apart from my own sites and router. But I’ve always thought of the implications of doing things (which is why i haven’t done it to anyone but myself). Anyway, hope our friend here is safe.
Don’t post answers on the forums!
Search other forums before making new threads called “help” !

Well, that’s the consistent process of learning. You do some foolish mistakes and then you realise that you need to rise above silly and basest of things if you really want to do something worthwhile , learn something more and use it judiciously . That’s the breakpoint of a leisure attitude !! :)

@MaxLockhart Totally I agree with you 100%
[quote=FrostByte_Anon]i hacked a website[/quote]
Nice work :D
[quote=FrostByte_Anon]i only used a proxy[/quote]
Very well.
the best way to disguise,,,,, I think:
Try to change your ip manually,,,,, I mean use a fake ip, then you can make another Safety step if you use, ex: vpn, or any programmes to hide your ip ==) I personally use Real hide ip version Cracked, OR use spoofing logiciels, OR maybe use these proxy-websites, for exemple:

Well a proxy is just enough for a mid-level safety. To be more secure try different layers like using vpn, a Tor browser, fake ip or the best one just a fake internet connection with all forge documents! :p
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
Well for one I don’t think you can fake your IP. I mean that’s like me living at 542 south main st and ordering a computer from ebay reading 666 south main st. The computer isn’t going to arrive at 542 south main st. I know there are some instances where doing something such as certain types of denial of service attacks and certain types of weird port scans (using nmap) faking your IP is possible. If you are wanting to hack a website though or an attack that relies on a connection then I don’t think that would work. Please correct me if I’m wrong? Plus even if you change / fake your IP your ISP has records on the IP Addresses assigned to you. Now for proxies, all the feds have to do is show up or push a little letter in the mail and the person hosting the proxy will be faced with jail if they don’t return any data that would help catch you. Therefore any network activity that matches what you had been doing the feds will recover in no time. As I said before, never do anything on your home network. If you just take the extra time to drive 5 miles away, login to someones network, and just do your work from there, you’d be set. Even just use some proxies or VPNs from there on to cover your ass. Now the thing about proxies and VPNs…. more than likely half of them are feds setting them up to listen in on what illegal activity you’re running.

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

Since you don’t usually use only your browser to “hack a website”, Tor browser is only of partial use here.
@MaxLockhart As you said, “faking” your IP doesn’t make sense; what the guy probably meant was proxy.
Now what should be used in this case is proxychains; with that you can bridge connections to the network and since it’s a public thing (you can run your own bridge for guys to use it as ONE step/bridge, everyone can) and all the traffic is supposed to be encrypted, you’re not supposed to get caught from IP.
The whole encryption to put it simple could be something like:
A wants to send a message to D, going to B and C, and get it back coming from C and B.
A encrypts the message with D’s public key, adds the message “deliver to D” and encrypts with C’s key, adds “deliver to C”, encrypts with B’s key and gives it to B.
B receives it, decrypts it, sees the “deliver to C” and some other garbage; delivers to C, who then decrypts, sees “deliver to D” and some other garbage (garbage == encrypted things) and gives it to D, who decrypts and sees the message.
D does the same to give it back to A, and none of the middle relays knew the message or any “node” other than the next one (and the previous one).
So that’s roughly what proxychains does.
Sure script kiddies will download Tor, login from their school and send death threats to their teacher and go to jail or an equivalent and make their parents pay green green $$$.
Because it’s not only “mask your IP”. It’s “don’t download nice EXEs that come with surprise inside”, it’s “disable Flash”, it’s “avoid Java”, it’s “don’t login/do anything you normally do that could be linked to you”, it’s “don’t post your name”. Life is so much harder when what you’re doing is illegal. But you choose your side.
And even with all that, there’s one thing that doesn’t change even if you go to Thailand for connecting: your MAC address. That thing kids heard about once, but never worry about. You can change it though.
Rule 0: Don’t use Windows. Seriously, fuck Windows. Use something else.
Rule 1: Don’t fuck with anyone if you don’t want to cope with the consequences, and there will be consequences sooner or later, harder or softer. So you better know what you’re doing and have a reason to do it. Want to learn how to hack websites? Cool! Download a “vulnerable website kit”, install it on localhost and hack it. They come with several levels of difficulty, and they’re really cool and instructive.
Rule 2: Never operate from home. This is basic opsec.
Rule 3: “Hiding your IP” is useless if everything else is exposed.
Rule 4: If you come to another website to brag, you will get caught sooner.
I thought you were taught these things in the “Anonymous Officials School”.
We do not clear the logs.
We do not disable our webcams.
We are autonomous. We are hellions.
Deject us.
Sorry if that sounded stupid.
All your karamas are belong to us.
Proxychains! That’s what you call them. :P I was trying to explain that in two posts ago but didn’t know the correct term. I kind of just thought it up myself not knowing if it was a thing or not. Thank you @SFisher
We do not clear the logs.
We do not disable our webcams.
We are autonomous. We are hellions.
Deject us.
Btw, who the fuck is this douchebag ^{ @codeshop.su32 } ? Kind of starting to piss me off….

Yes. Nice stuff, very handy. However while it can help with anonymity, I wouldn’t count so much on confidentiality.
And sorry for my rant-tinged post… XD These things make me go nuts.
I had been silently watching the post, but after reading about the Windows EXEs for faking IPs… I couldn’t keep myself from posting.
On @codeshop.su32 … Heh. Maybe he’s a Fullback (Su-32) fan, right? Or maybe a plain scammer. ;)
Actually I was expecting to find something on that Soviet Union domain. You know, some of these .su were around not long ago… :-( Darn. I have this weird curiosity towards Soviet stuff. XD
But you know what? Holmes time.
So here’s the archived version of the page. Date: 10 May 2013.
Hm, someone analysed the URL in Virustotal for the first time on 2013-05-03 17:34:49 UTC. Hey that’s May 5th!! Only 5 days after that, the archive page took its last “snapshot”… It had no detections then (I know it because I was the first person to check it after May 5 2013. XD), but now it shows 2.
So… let’s have a look at the domain. Here it says that the host IP was and the domain was “last seen” on June 5th 2013 (a month after Virustotal’s analysis).
So we perform a geo info lookup on the IP and it says it’s an anonymous proxy. :-( The owner is in Romania though (according to whois info).
If you start searching for the provider on Google… look for what shows up.
“ spam”, “ abuse”… XD
But hey, not everything is lost. If you check it in Sucuri Sitecheck you can see it now hosts some shit called By the way I think the site is about buying women or something like that. ;) First seen on 2007.
You know what’s cool? If you go to its interactive.php page, it executes a veeery nice encoded Javascript.
Do you want to see it?
It’s too long for a HackThis post (I put it in spoiler tags, but the text exceeds the limit and gets cut), so here you have it in pastebin.
But as this was on an “anonymous proxy” probably the codeshop and the rusdosug people are different ones.
Anyway want to know why this guy’s name is “codeshop.su32”? Because there’s another user with the name “” here already. He joined 2 years ago, no activity. Then there’s “”. Same story, but he joined 9 months ago. That’s almost like 08/2013, right? Well that’s the date for the first Virustotal analysis of that site. “This URL was last analysed by VirusTotal on 2013-11-10 17:06:10 UTC, it was first analysed by VirusTotal on 2013-08-09 17:06:26 UTC.” Now taken down, of course.
So. My guess is that this bot is a little outdated, and still going here and there through the Internet.
Or maybe it’s not a bot, and it’s a person with mental problems.
Who knows.
Sorry if that sounded stupid.
All your karamas are belong to us.
Wow, wtf? That’s some crazy JS. Thinking it’s logging users IP Addresses? Also, I’m leaning a little more towards person with a mental problem yo because his posts don’t even make sense. Besides how would a bot sign up on random websites that have different forms from each other lol About anonymity thought, the best ways of doing anything is to make your own junk. I’ve been saying in every post that I’ve posted in dating back to probably when I first signed up, “Make sure you’re not on your home network, try to keep away from home doing your business, create your own encrypted chats, build your own proxies, VPN’s, and what not.” Cool idea is to take a bunch of open Networks (Or break in) and bridge connections together that way, and have other people around the world do the same. I feel I could everything in better terms, but some odd fucking reason I only get on this site when I first wake up anymore. Not feeling too much for tech stuff anymore… dky… just a phase. Anywho! Tie a bunch of peoples networks together and do your work there. Why create all of your own stuff? Because you more than likely have feds sitting in on your “Encrypted” conversations, watching your internet activity as you’re surfing the web through proxies and public VPN’s. Which I think that’s what you were talking about, @SFisher when you said:
[quote=SFisher]Yes. Nice stuff, very handy. However while it can help with anonymity, I wouldn’t count so much on confidentiality.[/quote]