link to interesting websites

Hi all ! I just want to share this website : It lists some websites that could help someone. there are links to websites with quests like HackThis (but already finish HackThis' ones :) ) and also websites to learn hacking applications …. useful tricks.
(if the post is not at the right place, tell me)
Post modified ( 02 June 2014 ) :
Another interesting website where you’ll find lots of FREE ebooks about HACKING :
( click on “ Older e-books ” to see others )
and please, read this thread, we need your help ! [float=right] – – – >[/float]

Sorry if that sounded stupid.
All your karamas are belong to us.
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”

Wow its plentiful! A whole lot of a bunch. Gonna take a while to look at.
I think that it might be in the right place. Maybe we can mine some level ideas from there? What do y'all say?
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
i have 1 more link which is usefull for almost anything
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”

@lucki58300: Thank you. Now this is a gold mine. Gotta bookmark it. :p

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

Knowledge isn’t given, it’s grown.

Awesome Links, Thanks @lucki58300,,, Merci beaucoup.

and please, read this thread, we need your help ! [float=right] – – – >[/float]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago
[quote=IAmDevil]Maybe we can mine some level ideas from there? What do y'all say? [/quote]
I vote no… well… maybe.
Having played challenge sites for close to 15 years now and am admin of 3 (creator of 1), I see the same ideas again and again on various sites.
This is the reason I managed to complete hackthis (minus crypt 7) in only 1-2 days. EVERY idea on this site I have seen and solved elsewhere.
Now before people get the wrong idea - I love this site. It is a great difficulty for beginners, and Crypt 7 although seeming rather obvious to me at this point, is slowing me down purely because it is a new idea which I have not come across before (or if i have then not quite in this way ;) ) and this is the first challenge on the site I actually ‘love’.
I recommend that if you do wish to mine ideas from somewhere then please modify them to add at least one unique element.
As examples of two recent challenges on my site (one which is uploaded and one which will be uploaded tomorrow) one has the user attacking the main site login, using knowledge of misconfigured database transaction control to attempt to bypass the IP lockout on multiple attempts. Another uses a well known cipher (it is used in the crypt levels on hackthis) but instead of text, it puts each character as a tone of certain frequency in a sound file.
Ideas don’t have to be 100% unique, but please ensure that there are ‘unique elements’ wherever possible
Just my two cents :)

[quote=sabretooth]this is the first challenge on the site I actually ‘love’[/quote]
Ironically, the solid method to solve Crypt Level 7 is still random until now. No one has figured out. I hope that you can find a logical way to solve and to explain it, anything but brute-force method.
10 years ago
I’ll certainly do my best but I’m still currently scratching my head as to why my hex modifications aren’t working for step 1 ;)

Lol yes that might be confusing. At the beginning of the level i was trying something so stupid that i wouldn’t tell ‘cus i don’t want to embarrasse myself! :p
And 'bout the “random” method, yes it is the sole method which works (for now). Still don’t know where that bastard e is?
Maybe Keeper will be generous enough to tell or at least pitch us with a hint some time in the future. Lol
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D