Hi guys, I tried to find a way to make my user agent become "secure_user_agent", as I'm french I had to go on google and ask english men to explain me how to do it...
The problem is that now that i have "secure_user_agent" it's still not working, event if I try with a Nexus S user agent, Please someone help me? :)
Don’t know for you, but for me Nexus S user agent is “Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3; xx-xx; Nexus S Build/GRH41B) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1”.
Check the other forum threads.
Oh I see, thanks Ghostfury, I guess it’s the cookies who are saying to my PC that I’m wrong…
My godness they are so anoyng, a friend of mine had a 324 error message, guess why? Cookies! :P
Okay guys, I managed, well actualy I was wright, it was just a problem of refreshing…
I had to refresh WHILE ine the Java script console…just a Detail…xD