10 years ago


hi guys i need help to solve level 2. i try change a user agent with the extension for chrome but nothing, i try all the users that appear in extension and nothing. i read on net and threats but anyone can help, everyone leave me more confuse.
so please give me advices that i can understand, this level let me crazy.


VI????????D [VirusHacked2702]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


What user agent did you change it to? If it didn’t work, then it wasn’t the right user agent.
Read the hint carefully. There may have been something you missed. Something major. :)

10 years ago


If you’re sure you chose the right user agent, and it still doesn’t work, you didn’t read all the threads.
I mentioned something that solves the level if that’s the case, in one of the very recent forum threads.
I challenge you to find it.

10 years ago


i cant see the answer, srry
i dont understand that level, i dont know where go to find solutions, i dont know anything

10 years ago


See, there is no point in doing something if you don’t know why you are doing so.
You did change the User Agent but the question is :
You changed it to what ? Which User Agent is the level asking for ?
Think about these questions and you’ll soon find out what you need to do to complete the level !!

10 years ago


As people said in other threads (…..), the first step is: Google. You don’t need to find solutions, @MrDiogo . The goal here is to learn. You can learn a lot before completing a level. You know where to go to find info: step 1 read things you find with Google. Step 2 read things in the forum itself! You can also do step 2 first, it’s the same. You do undestand certain things. You must understand that something is not accepted and that only a different something is allowed. Don’t know what that something means? Then Google.
It’s ok to not understand things. But before asking in the forum, 1.- Cover the basics. I’m not going to search what a user agent is and post it here for you, sorry. You can do that. 2.- Read all the other threads. It will take time. A lot. But you will learn a lot too.
Good luck.

PS. I’ve been working on a level, Intermediate 4, since November.

VI????????D [VirusHacked2702]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


I just said, read the hint again. The answer is within the hint. And if you don’t know anything about user agents, google it.
Don’t expect someone to tell you what to do (otherwise you won’t learn anything), make an effort to search for it. It took me 36 attempts to get this, but once I got it, it was a major facepalm moment (and a learning moment) :)
By the way, Abhi_hacker just gave you a major hint. If I were you, I wouldn’t let it go to waste. ;)
And SFisher is correct when he says it will take a lot of time. This isn’t something that can be done within a second. This is something that requires time and effort….maybe even research if you’re not familiar with that topic.

10 years ago


Damn here comes another Basic Level 2 thread! Just check this.

10 years ago


just 182 attempts. forget i never will find the solution. i dont care. 182 is too much, i not want waste more of my time.
thx for species of tips but im fed up.

for me you can close the topic

Max Lockhart [MaxLockhart]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


@MrDiogo I’m going to help you some and more than likely going to get it this time.

For starters, and I will say this over and over again whenever this topic comes up. This level makes me cringe so much and I will constantly argue that it should be altered.

Why, you say? This is where you should begin listening @MrDiogo

It simply is not a proper User Agent. Doesn’t follow the proper User Agent Syntax, nor does it contain any of the information based in a proper User Agent String.

Seems that in your original post you were on the right track, but as I skimmed through it looks like you’re still learning some. As I said before, it’s not a proper User Agent String, doesn’t look like one, therefore changing your User Agent to

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1944.0 Safari/537.36

for example, will simply not work.

So here’s how we’re going to do this buddy. I’m going to lead you to the information needed to help you understand this “subject” so you can actually learn something and apply it later on in life. It’s very important that you understand this topic, but understanding may or may not help you complete this level. So first we’re going to do some research and after that complete the level.

User Agent Crash Course

Link #1

User Agents Wikipedia

This will give you an overall perspective on everything in more so technical terms. Though, sometimes reading a bunch of information together can be overwhelming and a pain in the ass.

So here’s a more broken down explanation on what a user agent is, and why it’s important.

Link #2

User Agents for Dummies

Doesn’t make you a dummy but, sometimes it’s good to get a more comfortable and relaxing description opposed to reading a bunch of mumbo jumbo that you may or may not understand such as the functions of certain software and networking protocols than having to research each individual word in a little article. All of that will come further in time of you learning. Just work it one step at a time.

Now that you’ve read that second link go back and try and better understand the first one if you haven’t already understood it.

Stop and Refer Back to the First Link ^

Can you see how all of this is important? Think why a server may need to understand information about a device and it’s browser. Different web browsers such as Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, and Safari are all built the same. Therefore when visiting a site it may need to function a little different that way the overall user experience is suitable to their browsers build and know what parts of the websites code to use and not to use. Well, why should it know information on the device? That’s simple! Have you ever tried using a Desktop version of a site on a mobile phone? It’s a pain in the ass! You have to zoom in and out sometimes you click one link and it sends you elsewhere. This allows a web developer to help direct you, using this string, to better your experience as a user visiting the site. Make sense right?

Let’s get a bit creative now and think outside of the box.

Web Developer Scenario:

What if you create a website that allows users to download software depending on their operating system? I can’t obviously use .exe file on a Linux operating system right? Well, I mean with Wine you could, but the website doesn’t know that so using this string it contains information on the operating system of your machine so it can redirect the user to the proper file types. Websites like Adobe do this all of the time so you are properly installing the correct software.

Criminal Scenario:

Let’s say…. you’re a Cyber Criminal for the sake of this scenario, and that you run a black market website. Remember we’re getting creative here! You could make a completely separate website for users who are not permitted to use the website. So you have some server side script set up to check the user agent strings. If the string isn’t set to

Muahahahaha Evil stuff going on here right now holmes, to9783tynoc93t0938y

Then the users are redirected to a webpage that has cute pictures of puppies. If you have the correct User Agent String then you are redirected to a server that has this black market site set up.

Working for Intel Agencies, scenario:

The FBI will sometimes set up sites like these, called honey pots, to help stop criminals. It’s as simple as a fake black market website to trick and catch criminals to anyone involved in accessing illegal online activity via webpages. Yeah, they could check their logs for IP Addresses and Mac Addresses but sometimes it is good to have further information for forensic investigation. So to protect people from nutsos out there trying to buy guns and kill a bunch of people, the FBI could include some simple JavaScript to collect your User Agent String and store it in a log file with all other information on your machine. Now when they knock on your door and take your stuff they can simply say, “Okay this computer has this, check, okay it has this, check, okay it has this, check…. yep that’s the computer, let’s investigate this machines activity and question the owner.”

User Agents and Hackers Scenario:

Just like the Intelligence Agencies would do their work, the HACKER, could do the same. You want to hack a friends computer. Yet, you’re not quite sure what kind of attack to run and how to go about launching an attack on their machine. Therefore, just like the FBI would set up a honey pot, you set up a deceitful website to gather information of the users computer. So you send them to your site with some JavaScript to collect their UA String and boom….

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; Zune 3.0)

So right off the bat you can tell

MSIE, which means they’re running Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 8.0, Windows NT 6.1 which is Windows 7 operating system, it’s 64-bit, the .Net frameworks it’s using, and for media player they have Windows Media 3.0 (Because I know know that, “Zune was a brand of digital media products and services developed by Microsoft.” After I Googled what it was).

If you don’t know certain aspects of a User Agent String you could Google them like I did with the Zune part. Now that you have all of this information on a Users System and Web Browser you may want to take a look at some vulnerabilities on Internet Explorer 8, maybe write a sneaking Trojan wrapped inside of a mp3 file that Windows Media Player 3.0 could execute, so on so forth.

So that’s one thing a hacker could use a user agent for.

Right on! You know all about User Agents and how they can be used! Congratulations on completing this crash course!

Completing the Level

Let’s get back to completing the level! As my teeth cringe about this level and how it has nothing we have talked about above, I will tell you that it is as simple as it is completely misleading. Which I guess could be a good learning lesson. It’s kind of on the line of our Black Market example. Only 20 or so people know about this webpage and the User Agent String they need to use to access it, for the others they will be denied access to the site. So the string isn’t going to talk about the operating system, the string isn’t going to mention version of the users browser, it’s going to be a Key word that will be checked in order to grant you access to the completion of the level. How do you know this though? What is the key word?

Read Further:

Trust me, you’re going to feel stupid and possibly be incredibly disappointed as I was when I did the level but, it sits right, right– before your eyes when you’re on the levels page. Just take a look around at the level page and doing some copying and pasting if you have to. Just look for something that is bizarre and doesn’t make sense or look right. It’s right in front of you in either the levels area or the hints. I cannot remember correctly. It’s a matter of copying and pasting, and it’s in readable text.

You already understand the information, just get the level done and over with.

I hope I helped some as well as entertained you. Give us all some feedback after you complete the level. Good luck, just keep trying bud ;) Cheers!

10 years ago


thx a lot, im portuguese but i understand the most of your words. i will try complete the level.


Alright man, let me know how it turns out! Good luck XD

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